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As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world (John 17:18).
The prophets were commissioned by divinity, the Lord himself as teachers of the divine mind of Christ. They received the revelation of the Lord from the Lord and went about instructing the people in his name and by his authority. Setting before them the blessings and the curses of God’s covenant.
When Emmanuel came, he came as prophet priest and king. He is greater than the prophets. He is the uncreated source of all knowledge, light and truth. The prophets in turn came to those in their day bringing the truth, not just teaching scriptures, but bringing revelation of the person of God. Jesus came as both the message and the messenger. Those today, in turn receive him and have taken taken knowledge* of him and are also “sent” by him to declare to all others of him, his nature his person, his works. We too bear witness of him just like the prophets of old. “As thou hast made me thine apostle, or messenger, to the world, so I have made them my messenger and apostles to the world.” *(Hebrews 3:1, 2 Peter 1:3 Acts 4:13).