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Elijah saw a cloud and heard abundance. (1 Kings 18:41-44)
Some folks see opportunity and all they hear is “watch out,” “take care” “I wouldnt bother if I was you” “take it easy” “sit down” and “take a BREAK.” I dont know what you see hanging above your head right now but I’m blogging to tell you, the cloud that looks like a problem is actually a promise in disguise. It’s diguised so that your faith will kick into gear. In times past you went in worry mode, this time youre in the faith mode, you see the cloud and instead of hiding, you start planning, you begin to think big, stand big, pray big, and go big. The cloud just came your way to remind you to get going, God’s direction! The cloud came your way to unlock the “runner” in you so that you run God’s direction this time instead of running to hide like you did last time. The cloud is just a provoker of something in you that never would emerge had you never seen a thick, black old, king sized cloud. Whats in the cloud is now in your hand… ABUNDANCE! Thank God for the cloud.. when you see trouble expect breakthrough.
PRAYER: “God sent me a cloud today so that the winner in me, may emerge..” God is not a disturber of my peace but the developer of it. Amen!