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When you pray Just say… continued from pt1 … “Thy kingdom come” (MT 6:10)
Men have sought, aways sought to build kingdoms, where all men would come, and learn and be as one. kingdom that give man security and prosperity, education and association. Yet all man-made kingdoms that have ever been set up have failed because man realises that we are all so differnt in culture and creed, values and tradition.. “Thy kingdom come” then is a call to all men regardless of color, condition or tradition. “Thy kingdom come” establishes the fact that it affords a meeting place for all men, a place called home. wherever that man is. whoever that man is. The bond that unites is not a physical place but a place in the heart, a place where deity dwells. There is no kingdom on earth like the kingdom of God. United kingdom or Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or any other kingdom, all man made kingdoms will have their day and end rapidly. Why one Jesus is the true king! His kingdom, within you, lives on, world without end, a kingdom that cannot pass away. My prayer today Lord, Thy kingdom come. Now since our Father who is in heaven is your Father and my Father, yes we, yes WE can pray this.. “Thy kingdom come!”