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I press towards the mark of the high calling (Phil 3:15).
I know what it is to be on a greyhound going from Dallas to New York. The route is long and you stop at many cities. I love the cities I could easily jump off the bus and settle down in any of the cities en-route. I’ve discovered something about destiny aboard a greyhound and its this, destiny is not an arrival point but the place you start off from everyday. This means where you are is not your final bus stop, but it is the most important right now. The journey continues.
There are five reasons why your life is parked up in the bus stop.
1. You’ve run out of steam to complete the journey and the stop looks attractive right now.
2. The challenge you’re involved with is too small, you need to extend the journey..
3. Your gift cannot make room for you where you’re at, the place is too small. You need a greater revelation for a bigger stop.
4. Your involved with an earthly purpose that does not hold heaven’s agenda.
5. You’ve been here before and its not working.
6. Failure to recognise a new ride (season) and enter it with a new ticket (agenda)!
Dont stop here. Keep on riding the bus.