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Stewards of The Mysteries of God
Message One
Them that Believe
Scripture reading Isiah 3:5
Who are the believers?
The true believers don’t just verbally acknowledge that they ‘believe in Jesus,’ to ask this question to another is ridiculous. the apostles never asked do you believe in Jesus in their evangelistic endeavor’s. they spoke an acts 238 message repent and be baptised every one of you in Jesus name for the remission of sins… message
- The devil believes and trembles (James 2:19)
- The true believers are those that do the will of God from the heart (Eph 6:6)
- The true believers, are not those that just ‘love’ Jesus. Those who truly love the Lord keep his commandments (John 14:15).
- The true believers are baptised ones “He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved (Mark 16:16).
- The true believers have the Holy Ghost (John 7:38,39). Baptism was a command not a suggestion in Acts.
The Belief of the BELIEVER
He that cometh to God must believe that he is (Heb 11:6).
We believe in the one true God admitting that he has no competitor or co- worker or co equal. (Isaiah).
We believe in the name of our God. The name of “God” is attributed to many but our God is God of gods. The Lord our God is God of gods and Lord of Lords (Deut 10:17). The most high God (Gen 14:18-20). God over all (Rom 9:5 Eph 4:6).
True Believers believe in the Godhead
- The invisible things are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and godhead so that they are without excuse (Romans 1:20),
- In his dwelleth the fullness of the Godhead bodily (Col 1;19)
Jesus is not in the godhead but rather the godhead dwelleth in him. The invisible attributes hidden in Christ are now clearly seen when we see Jesus. he is the invisible God made visible.
True Believers believe in the Name
These signs shall follow them that believe in my name. (Mark 16:15-18)
- They shall cast out devils (v17)
- They shall speak with new tongues
- They shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them. (v18)
- They lay hands on the sick and they shall recover (18).
True Believers believe in the Word and the scriptures
- If thou cast believe all things are possible to him that believes (Mark 9:22-24)
- Abraham believed God yet considered not his own body dead…he staggered not at the promises of God…. Being fully persuaded that what God had promised
- The Roman centurions servant was healed because he believed the Word of the Lord (Matt 8:5-13).
I readily and steadfastly ascend unto the truths of scripture that teach the truth of God. Being therefore fully persuaded of them than anything I see or know I believe God. He has revealed himself not for my benefit only but for the benefit and salvation of others, to whom he has commanded I declare the words of this life too. It is therefore with faith in my heart and conviction in my soul I preach Jesus Christ, the author of life the giver of all good things and the Saviour of man.
Them that believe in the son of God.
Them that believe in his name.
Them that believe he took on flesh and came as a man to save all men.
Not all who believe in God, “believe God!” There are folks everywhere that believe in God who do not believe God! All people believe, but not all believe God. Some have a belief that there is no God. this is a negative belief. This however tells us that all people can believe in God. Unbelievers just believe in the wrong thing about God. There are folk is who believe according to God’s word and there are folks who believe contrary to Gods word. We are either engaged in right believing or wrong believing. Believing wrong or believing right has itself the power to create, manifest and bring to life, one’s Faith, outlook and future.
I believe God!
Literature: Pauls Ebooks on Amazon
Produced by Paul B Thomas and image Breakers
Pauls Blog: https://imagebreakers.uk