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Wash and cleanse yourselves. Remove your evil deeds from My sight. Stop doing evil! 17Learn to do right; seek justice and correct the oppressor. Defend the fatherless and plead the case of the widow.” (Isaiah 1:16-17). BEREAN.
Learn to do well (KJV)
In discussion with a young man the other day who had a family he made the statement, ‘If my kids decide they want to be another sex I wont stand in their way.’ I was taken back, to say the least. My question, Is it not our responsibilities as fathers to train a child? The answer is absolutely yes. a father has a role a responsibilities role to play in the training, motivating, maturing and preparing of a child for adult life.
A child comes into the world, everything is new and unknown! think of this he knows nothing but that he desires to have food from his mothers breast. He goes to school to learn but still knows next to nothing he will say no to his dad a million times, ignore his mothers commands, cry to get his own way and even tell fibs! why he knows next to nothing. He has to be led, that is trained in the way he should go. and that my friend is the fathers job, not the schools job but the fathers job and responsibility! to teach him what’s right, to do good, and how to do it. to seek justice and help the widows. period!
To do well in life is a good accolade. I remember being told my my uncle when I was in my early twenties and had just entered the ministry you have done well for yourself. I said thankyou and have never forget his compliments.
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart form them.
Learn to do well.
To learn to do well a child has to learn.
The father should introduce and then teach his child the skills required to master a thing. As a child teach him to use his hands and make things from timber. he could well carry this on when he leaves school and become a carpenter get a trade or become a builder, even an Architech. Its the Fathers role to introduce him to his capabilities. and help him find interesting things to do in developing his skills.
To learn to do well a child has to read
Readers make leaders. Encourage your child to read. read books of folks who have changes their world, mastered a mission, helped others and found success. readers become leaders. If you have children who say they don’t like reading then think of this. its not that they don’t like reading but what they read, they may not like. so seek out books that they would like to read. The person who does not read is at a great disadvantage in life. reading is an education. readers make the best leaders.
To learn to do well a child has to have a Father who becomes his mentor
1 Cor 14:15. ‘For even if you had ten thousand others to teach you about Christ, you have only one spiritual father. For I became your father in Christ Jesus when I preached the Good News to you.’ Dad have to become Fathers to their Sons, not just teachers but Father figures. Think of the early church ‘Fathers’ they paved the way in doctrine and truth, righteousness and character. Similarly a Father instructs his child in righteousness. Success without character development will never be true success. Train your child in righteous living. teach them the value of Truthfulness, kindness, humility, peace, joy and love, faithfulness etc. things that make for great character! Courtesy, manners, communication, integrity, foundations in one’s life, building stones of honour, stepping stones of success and greatness.
To learn a child has to have a hero
The benefits of going to church as a child are numerous. I remember reading stories of samson and David who killed a giant with a sling, Jesus who performed miracles and helped the blind and lame. Abraham who obeyed God, Moses who delivered a nation. I learned at a young age that God could do impossible things through men who believed in him and trusted in him. these stories, built a faith in me that is strong to this day. Today I’m in hospital with kidney failure. but… yes but.. I can testify and o testify of my faith in God to do the miraculous in ones life. I’ve been able to testify to those around me how God has kept me and yes, healed me of cancer, the other day i was taken off blood pressure tables. Yes I believe in incredible things because as a child I was trained that way and i have found the scripture to be true, train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6)