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Greetings Friend in Jesus name
HOPE is a weapon, a force, a spirit. The spirit of hope has within it our daily ability to endure and an immediate ability to believe. Nothing can do more for the soul than hope. My prayer for you this month is that your hopes for your life, your health, your future, your family and Ministry will be realised. I like to say that if Abraham can hope for the impossible then you and I as his seed shall also possess our hopes
Happy, blessed, fortunate to be envied is he who has the God of (special revelation to) Jacob for his help, whose hope is in Lord his God (Psalm 146;5 AMP).
I like that happy and blessed. the folks who have HOPE are happy and blessed. verse two states ‘who keeps truth forever’ If God made a promise to you then it stays a promise till it manifests in your body and life. His promises are forever promised. if situations get worse his promise remains his truth, his word his will and testament for YOU.
1.THE LORD executes justice for the oppressed (v7)….
2.The Lord gives food to the hungry..
3.The Lord sets free the prisoners.
4.The LORD opens the eyes of the blind.
5.The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down.
6.The lord loves the uncompromisingly righteous.
7.The Lord protects and preserves the strangers.
8.The Lord ‘He upholds the fatherless and the widow.
9.The Lord shall reign for ever and ever … (Psalm 146;7-10).
If you have Hope then things are not hopeless. Be hope FULL. Let you faith get you up again, let your HOPE set you on your feet. Let your hope be so full of faith’s unlimited promises that your youth will be renewed like the eagle. So that you’ll run and not be weary, walk and not faint.
How’s your hope level now!
Hope lifts you to endless possibilities, certain promises, ‘wait and hope and for and expect the Lord, be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring Yes, wait and hope for and expect the Lord’ (Psalm 27;14 AMP)
Hebrews 6:19. These promises are an anchor for the soul. No matter what the storm you’re in this anchor will keep you on top of your troubled seas anchored to the rock that cannot move grounded firm and deep in the saviours love.
Hebrews 6:18. Now we have this hope as a sure and steadfast anchor for the soul- it cannot slip and it cannot break down under whoever steps out upon it. (a hope) that reaches further and enters into the very certainty of the presence within the veil. I like to say a hope that reaches into the very certainty of the promise. Hope makes his promise certain. IF YOU BELIEVE GOD FOR A MIRACLE THEN IT’S ON ITS WAY.
I like to say a hope that reaches into the very certainty of the promise. Hope makes his promise certain (Hebrews 6;18) PBT.