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Image Breakers Digest
1 Chronicles 28;10 Be strong and do it
Joseph saw that his brothers were in need for there was a great famine in the land. Joseph gave them provisions and saved them from poverty. He done something about it (Gen 45;4-44 ESV)
Solomon in 2 Chron 28;10 saw that thee was no place of worship for the people, He obeyed the prophet and built a house for the Lord. He did something about it!
Paul received a cry of help from the brethren in Macedonia. ‘There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us’ (Acts 16:9) he went and did something about it
.Jesus saw that the multitude had no food, he fed the five thousand with 5 loaves and bread. He did something about it (Matt 14;14-21) (Ezek. 34:11-12, 14)
Jesus saw a world in sin. so he assigned twelve to go into the world and preach the gospel. Jesus did something about it. (Matt 2;19)
Every crisis, every need, every lack has been solved by folks who have done something about it. No matter how much you may doubt your inability, rise up strengthen the weak knees and hands, God is assigning you to Do Something About it!
Society has many images that they try to impose on us. Media and Hollywood glamorise the rich and famous, social media highlights the pushers and shovers. You have to know who you are in Christ, you have to believe that you are Unique, designated and designed like no other, capable and created to do what others cannot do. Set by God as his herald. to the point where you can laugh at the criticism of others because of their foolishness and jealousy. You can stand the storm of abuse because you know they secretly desire to be like you. You can stand in your own identity and smile. You know who you are! Your IMAGE is not made by other peoples opinions or labels, you are not what others say you are , you are not what the doctors say you are you are not what your past says you are. You are who God says you are. YOU ARE GOD’S IMAGE BREAKER
30 characteristics of God’s Image Breakers.
And they demolished the pillar of Baal, and demolished the house of Baal, and made it a latrine to this day. (2 kings 10;28 KJV).
As soon as Jehu finished offering the sacrifice, he told the guards and soldiers, “Come in and kill them! Don’t let anyone escape.” They slaughtered everyone in the crowd and threw the bodies outside. Then they went back into the temple and carried out the image of Baal. They burned it 27and broke it into pieces, then they completely destroyed Baal’s temple. And since that time, it’s been nothing but a public toilet (Contemporary English Version)
1. You are an IMAGE BREAKER if you can challenge the false prophets of the day by declaring Jehovah (Jesus alone of God You are An Image BREAKER(1 kings 18;16-46)
2. You are an IMAGE BREAKER If you can break the fake, false and foolish images that society tries to impose on you. If you challenge opinion with Gods word and not conform to mans woke, wicked and weird ideas, You are an Image breaker Breaker.(Matt 16;13).
3.If you are more fanatical about truth than you are about being denominational ideals you are an IMAGE BREAKER (John 5;39).
4.You are an IMAGE BREAKER if you can declare God is one and his name is Jesus while other stay confused, bewildered and bewitched with their roman idea that God is three co equal gods, you are an Image Breaker (Isaiah 44:24).
5. You are an IMAGE BREAKER if you can see Jesus in every fiery trial. hear his voice in every storm and experience plenty where there is lack (Rom 8;37).
6. You are an IMAGE BREAKER If you can challenge, confront and command witches, warlocks and world demons and those possessed but them you are an IMAGE BREAKER. (Acts 16)
7. You are an IMAGE BREAKER If you are wont compromise faith water down truth or back down from your convictions you an IMAGE BREAKER If you can contend for truth more than those who pretend they are in the truth, you are an IMAGE BREAKER (Jude 3).
8. You are an IMAGE BREAKER If you can read scriptures that Get you mad, and then see Jesus that makes you happy, You are an IMAGE BREAKER (Acts 17;11).
TBC…Brother Paul
“Born of water and Spirit”
— Quote Source
Born of water and the spirit (John 3;5). in the Greek there is no the in the spirit, there is no definite article.IT is written water and spirit meaning there is one baptism not two events as two baptisms. secondly there is the word KAI meaning and as in water and Spirit the word ‘kai’ means even or the the same. The hendialysis is two nouns used to express one article meaning again that water and spirit are pone.
Water baptism is for the washing away of sin’s, Spirit is God entering man thus replacing the carnal nature with himself. Some would say that we are born again of the Word of God and not water. yes we are born of God by obeying his Word, but he commands us with his word to be baptised in water . ‘He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved.’ (Mark 16;16). All those born again in Acts were baptised in water upon repentance so the truth has a corresponding action in conformation. that this interpretation of a man being born again or water and spirit is correct.
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Image Breakers