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Preach my gospel. And he said to them, Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. (Matthew 16:15).
I’m preparing myself for a coming revival in the States.My passion is to minister in PA and KY and whatever door God opens up in America. Its my passion! now I must once again turn it into a devotion to duty. Here are my thoughts to help guide me I truth they will help you too as a preacher.
To preach is a command. To preach the gospel is to preach Christ and him crucified. One cannot preach the gospel without preaching Christ. Some folks will counter-attack the question here with “No we have to be careful; how we preach!” My answer to that would be this, One cannot preach truly preach Christ unless one has Christ’s spirit, or Christ’s love. We should not agonize over the semantics but rather allow the word of Christ in us to unlock the word of Christ to others.
We are to preach as to turn the world upside down
These who have turned the world upside down (Acts 17:6).
We are to preach as to turn souls as well as Heads
And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children (Malachi 4:6).
We are To preach as to persuade and enlighten and not just entertain the mind and emotions
Preaching makes a demand. preaching is God speaking, God counseling God visiting gets out of the way.God does the business. Man preaches but it is God who talks. Man uses the word But it is God himself the word that gives his own counsel. Man lights the fire, God comes as the fire. Man shows up in the pulpit but it is God that is seen in the pulpit.
We are to preach as to respect Bible authority
and whatsoever ye do do all in the name of the Lord Jesus (Col 3:17). Where there is no word from God there can be no faith in God. God must speak through the preacher as if there is in preacher. He is God’s vessel speaking.
We are called to Remind the Saints of the Truth
The words “remember” and “remembrance” are found in almost every New Testament book. God said “Beware lest thou forget Jehovah they God in not keeping his commandments and his ordinances and his statutes..lest thy heart be lifted up and thou forget Jehovah they God” (Deut 8:11-20) The preacher who preaches the ordinances will keep the people in the faith once delivered.
We are called to Preserve the truth and so save the saint.
Deception… giving heed to seducing spirits. ( 1 Tim 4:1) ‘Deceive’ as in “deceiving oneself” (Vine p28) we have the word “beguile” from the Greek “paralogizomai” one who comes alongside with “logic” As to “beguile” with logic as did the serpent with Eve (Genesis 3). “Buguile” as to mislead by using scripture rather than to being in the know by adherring and obedience to scripture. We as apostolic preachers have to persuade those who have a false sense of reasoning. Their “logic” is bad” human, sensual, carnal and man sourced. Nothing is more deceptive than our own reasoning’s, conclusions, assumptions and generalizations.
To preach truth one must fist be open to truth. and having truth will oppose error because he has a good knowledge of that too. He is one who knows the opponents argument as well as God’s answer. A preacher cannot preach until he first knows error as mush as he understands truth. His conviction that error is false comes from the understanding that truth is truth. He knows both sides of the story and hence can preach truth with conviction.
A Good preacher will always call to truth, because God said it even when he himself does not understand it. this then is the test of sincerity. In such a person there must be no “guile” (John 1:46).
We are called to restore the hurt and wounded
He restoreth my soul. (Psalm 23:3) Restore as to repair that which is broken. We are in great need today where the “soul” of man needs restoring. I’m referring to a rest, peace and place of God’s grace in the kingdom. The kingdom is a place of righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. The preacher is always to preach a revival of restoration and renewal in the Holy Ghost.