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Moses, killed an Egyptian while in an angry fit. He spent forty years in the desert as a result. Yet God choose him to lead three million Israelites out of Bondage. David, A Giant layer, a celebrity, a hero, he had an affair with Bathsheba. God restored back to him the Joy of his salvation. He is remembered today as a man after God’s own heart and Israels greatest King.
Each of these men had greatness in them yet greatness often accompanies weakness. Your success lies not in your ability to avoid making mistakes but after having made mistakes be able to quit condemning yourself, get up and move on.
Most folks fail not because of their mistakes but because they can never get up after having made a mistake. We sulk in our own inability, so rather than putting on his righteousness we wollow in self pity and guilt. We struggle to put on Righteousness, because we have set our own standards. But friend only God can set the standard for salvation. You cannot save yourself! Our standard means nothing. Don’t base your worth on how much you do for God, your goodness is as filthy rags and in fact the more good we do to earn our standing with God the more we fill our closet with filthy rags.
What disqualifies many is not their sin but their inability to get back up and put on God’s righteousness. As Christians we beat ourselves up over our mistakes continually, and in so doing live in a perpetual past, a constant cycle of defeat, guilt and condemnation, zapping our ability and invading our confidence. But the other side of the coin is that we also and at the same time crucify God afresh, negating the power of the blood and its power to free us from such bondage
In sport a disqualification means you have broken a rule and your out of the game. In God’s world you break the rules and you are disqualified ‘but’ your disqualification is no hindrance to promotion and no obstacle to success. Your disqualification is no hindrance to God and it shouldn’t be a hindrance to you. In fact your disqualification can become your qualification when you totally hand over your failure to God.
Your failure in not final with God. It’s not the end, in fact God allowed you to fail. for its at the point of failure that we truly understand what failure really is. When we come into this understanding its then that we can make the conscious decision to, admit it, confront it quit it, move on and let God turn your weaknesses into your greatest strength.
Its the redeeming power of the blood of Jesus that gives us ability to ‘start over’ …
Awesome. AMEN Shared!