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One Lord One Faith, One Baptism (Ephesians 4:5)
1. In a day of so many gods we know there is one Lord.
ONE LORD. The Lord he is God. (Psalm 100:3) One cannot confess Jesus as Lord without realizing that he who is Lord is also God! Yet many will say he is Lord but will never be heard to declare him as God. This aught not to be so. for the “Lord is God” It is he that has made us and not we ourselves. The Lord is creator (ISAIAH 4:24) The Lord God is our savior (2 Peter 1:1)The Lord God is father ( 1 Cor 8:6) The Lord God is Emmanuel God with us (Isaiah 7:14) Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Phil 2:4)
2. In a day of so called many faiths we know there is one true faith.
ONE FAITH. There is one faith. Not all faiths have this kind of faith. Only those who truly believe Jesus is God have this kind of faith. Now not all have faith to believe he is God. they cannot then be of “the faith.” Not all know him in person therefore they have not enough faith to take on his name ion baptism. See to be of “the faith” one must believe all of it! Neither is there salvation in any other name. (Acts 4:12) See If you believe that every church is part of the faith and all who believe are of the name church then you cannot have this faith, for it takes faith in the name to see that not all who call Jesus by name have faith enough to belong to the church that bears his name.
3. In a day of so many churches we know there is only one true Church.
ONE BAPTISM. How do we know through the name and its baptism. Those of Christ bear his name. He put their name on their forehead. Baptized ones. They entered into his church through his body. The come into his family through his baptism. They enter into his life through his spirit. hence the title redeemed ones.(Isaiah 51:11) the redeemed of the Lord.
The church of the living God (1 Tim 3:15) The church of God (Acts 20:28). Church of the firstborn (Hebrews 12:23) Mount Zion (Hebrews 12:22). God’s building (1 Cor 3:9). In other words he owns it because he died for it. He birthed it because his sons bear witness to it. He builds it because his name is written upon it. He has only one church.
A person asked me what religion do I join. I said none of them. I said you don’t join the church you are born into it. Friends are you born into the church? Have you taken on his name in baptism and received his Spirit as in Acts 2:38. with the evidence of the Holy Ghost then you are part of his church.