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Why a Preacher should be skilled and versed in Scripture before he enters the pulpit
Apostolic studies
By Paul B Thomas
Not a novice!
Not a novice” (1 Tim 3:6). “Freshman” or “apprentice” (dictionary).
Lest he be lifted up in pride. Or being clouded in judgement as to make a misjudgement or misrepresentation.
Greek literally “wrapped up in smoke” so that inflated with self conceit, exaggerated ideas and self importance elevates himself and not Christ. One “deluded” It marks the pride that come with an attainment of position or office for which he has had no previous training
Such a novice was in danger of falling into the judgement of God as the devil himself who himself was also judged. The novice then because of his pride, falls into the condemnation of the devil
Devil or “accuser”. The new convert thrust into office without due preparation will do foolish things out of vanity and so expose himself to malicious gossip (E F Scott)
Its dangerous to give a novice the pulpit. If he takes the glory to himself the devil will make a fool out of him.
A novice with authority can walk over others and so do harm. We breed pride in the church when we place men into positions they are not yet ready for. The sign of pride of place!
A novice aught to present himself first to God.
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved a worker who had no need to be ashamed rightly dividing the Word of Truth (2 Tim 2:15).
1. Present yourself into God
Present “yourself” you take care of your own work see to it that your work is well presented.
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved a worker who had no need to be ashamed rightly dividing the Word of Truth (2 Tim 2:15).
“To present yourself”
A man is himself a present to god and he presents himself unto God. First he presents himself to God. It is God that approves a man not based on style or smile or charisma but on truth. does he know truth.
To present oneself. When one introduces another he is said to “present himself” before the one to whom he is being introduced in this case a man introduces himsef to God by and with his gift. Secondly consider the word “present” as in gift. A mans gift is in is case his “present” to the Lord. Present yourself unto God, first. Our first duty is to worship God. We are created to serve him first. One can only serve man if he knows how to present himself first to God.
Let him be “proved” first
“Approved” tested and tried
Paul speaks of greet appealed the “approved” in Christ (Romans 16:10)
“Rightly dividing”
The teacher is exhorted like a craftsman who can use his tools skilfully to analyse each truth of scripture into its several elements (Scott).
Without misleading assertions, speculations or questionable doctrine. One who does not make reckless statements or arguments without apostolic foundations and having an ability to skilfully divide the word of God. So many will use a text and vase a doctrine in it or a conclusion or an argument.
One however needs to understand the doctrines of the word and divide and deduct from doctrine the necessary scriptures for all arguments.
A workman
That’s what you are a workman. Co labourers committed to the cause. One cannot lead the church if he cannot labour over the scriptures. He is a workman of scriptures before he works as a leader in a given role or calling in the scriptures.
That needeth not be ashamed
Meaning one that cannot be put down one. That cannot be ashamed before others one who has it right. The workman who has skimped his duty of studying the word is proved to be a time waster he must be a craftsman a master craftsman a skilled presenter. In proverbs it stands for one who “he shall direct thy paths” make a clear path.
Rightly dividing
There are those who “cut” up the texts in a wrong way they cut out a verse from a chapter and add another verse from another letter and another from another and in so doing make so many cuts that they have a different revelation than the original meaning of the text they base their text on
Rightly dividing means to make the “cut right”
To cut a timber as to divide the same into two equal lengths.
Right handling (vulgate) rightly administrating (Alford) teach no other doctrine (2 Tim 1:3) there are two many “off cuts” in the faith. To many houses made from the first plank. Folks have made a different house with the same cut when God only wanted them to expound a truth.
the word of truth
Is it your word
is it your thoughts
Is it your denominational viewpoint
or is it truth?
God anoints truth!
He does not anoint the gift
he does not anoint the calling
He anoints truth!
A man with truth has authority above th man with a clerical title because only truth has authority and without truth we will have no authority in the pulpit or power over devils out of it!
Know truth!
Practical Instructions
Just like any other vocation one must be trained first. Just being able to preach is not a license to preach.In fact we can all preach. we all have a voice. but God anointed a vessel because of his heart. God looks for humility a hear quality and availability too. so style presentation and polish is not what God ants he wants you.
Are You ready?
Seek a weekly class with your mentor and pastor in the privacy of the local church. Training is best done in an environment that is apart from the main Sunday preaching where the audience is your pastor/mentor and those who are being trained. This allows you to make mistakes which will not be public. You be able to preach the word and if your are wrong in your doctrine or presentation then you can be corrected before entering the public arena.