liberty, freedom and justice for all. A kingdom that gives us more than enough of all things good. O the liberty of the Holy Ghost and freedom in Christ. The limits in Christ dont exist, his love is immeasurable and yours to experience. His peace is unlimited and yours to experience. His Joy is unlimited and yours to experience. Bondage is death, liberty however is Life. The question then must be asked. How free are you?
In other words do what they done, Go into all the world like they went. I heard a prophet online the other day say that there is no need to go into all the world because it was a command for the apostles, and not for us. hower if this were true, then neither should we cast out devils or heal the sick because this too is a commandment of the Lord. (Mark 16:15-17)
“Grow in the knowledge of God.” (2 Peter 3:18). It may amaze you but you cannot grow spiritually. When you were born again, God (Spirit) came into you. “Christ in you” is the hope of glory, (Col 1:27).
More her in Todays Issue of “Supernatural”
Paul Thomas
Paul Thomas
Paul Thomas
Paul Thomas
For ye are all sons of God through the faith in Christ Jesus. (Gal 3:26) That’s how it should read “the faith!” The Greek emphasis “the faith!” There is only one Faith and this one faith as the only one true faith is “the faith.” God’s people are those who are obedient to the faith among all the nations (Romans 1:5 16:26). preached by Paul (Gal 1:23). It is “the faith” that unifies all believers.
Paul Thomas
Paul Thomas