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He walked to a fro.. (2 kings 4:35).
Thats why Elisha done until he felt the unction to breath life into the dead child and see the miracle power of God in action.
I see men of God walking “to and fro” wondering whether they are called to this , thinking if they are called to that. Can I raise the dead? Can I preach! Will God do it? Will God use me?
Man of God, you have walked “to a fro” long enough. Its time for you, like Elijah to “stretch yourself.” Why would you think it impossible that God would not use you to raise the dead, wake up a city, a generation, why? The Holy Ghost came into your flesh, your soul, your life, to do what the the prophets andd apostles done, only greater. Do you believe this! Did not the same Holy Ghost come into your body? Has not this same miracle power that you now question already proved himself in you? Were you not dead in trespasses and sin, thats dead my friend. You qualify to raise the dead, because thats your testimony. God has raised you from the dead! Since God has raised you you have an unction from the holy one too. You qualify to raise the dead.
Quit pacing the floor you have a son to raise up. Quit doubting your ability in Christ, quit doubting God, quit living below your potential, you have a generation that needs what you’ve got. Quit living below God’s expectation of you, stretch yourself, go to the child, that generation, that city, that town, breath life into it and raise its dead.