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The Love of God “constraineth” us (2 Cor5:14)
…in that he died for all that those who live should no longer live for themselves (v15).
Have you been asked why you preach?
Here Paul gives us a little insight into his passion. The word “constraineth” us means “a grip” that is irresistable. A mother might ask a son, “Whats got a hold of you!” suggesting that you are not being yourself. Paul suggests here that the love of Christ “constraineth” him or “compells” him (NKJV). It keeps him in a “straight” (Phil 1:23) Here he suggests he is hard pressed between two choices (in a fix) to serve the flesh of serve the spirit. One could say “hemmed in” that is, he is “held captive” bound, by a love that out-masters him. A love that casts aside self love, and all value for self. This was the love that led Jesus to Calvary to die for all and this same love had gripped Paul where he too could “no longer live for himself but for him who died for them and rose again” (v15). Its a love which makes a man live for a cause and die for a movement. When asked why do you preach like you do. Simple declare, Love made me do it!