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Leave Nothing unsaid… Things I should say …
#1 Carry your bible your iPhone is not your bible.
#2 Preach Jesus as God, quit telling everyone he’s only a Son (Is 9;6).
#3 There is no trinity, JESUS cannot be your Lord your god and you adhere to the catholic creation called trinity. you cannot be Catholic and Apostolic (IE of those who believed the spotless doctrine Acts 2;42).
#4 “Go” into all the world and preach the gospel. its simple and its a command. Just GO.
#5 Quit preaching the keeping of feasts, holy days and man made customs that distract from the true God and worship alone of Jesus.
#6 Preach the true gospel as in John 3:5. It’s a command of Jesus. Theres is no “asking Jesus into your heart” in scripture. No one person ever asked Jesus into their heart in the bible. This means If I preach the sinners prayer, I’m a heretic.
#7. Stay humble. You owe it to yourself to be real. You owe it to God to speak what he said speak. Everyman must says what he has been given to say, from his heart, with love toward man and yet fear of God.
Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth (Jeremiah 1:9).
Leave nothing unsaid. You are on assignment.