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In a world of false prophets how do we know that Jesus is the true Prophet? Many shall come in my name…
In my recent conversation with Later day saints and Muslims I have found them to revere their founders and leaders. Joseph Smith the prophet of the Mormon faith and Muhammad the prophet of Islam. Both stress to me the importance of their prophet over Jesus, which is strange since they both believe the Old and New Testament account of Jesus, but like other faiths, do not see him as God. They see him as a man and a prophet. If one just sees Jesus as a prophet then there will always be a better man (in their sight) coming along with a greater revelation and explanation of something they don’t understand and a charisma which they love to emulate.
So where would I go to get some biblical answers?
The Book of Hebrews although written to Jews who were dealing with going back into Judaism, gives us insight into dealing with false beliefs, as it reveals the “better things” of Jesus. If one wanted to do a “go compare comparison check” then Hebrews would be the book to discover the exclusivity of Christ and superiority of Christ to all others.
The superiority of Jesus to the prophets (Ch1:1-3) The superiority of Jesus to the Angels (Ch1:4-2:8) The superiority of Jesus to the law and its priesthood (Ch 7-10). The superiority of the gospel of Jesus (Ch 11-13;9)
God who in sundry time and in divers manners spoke in times past unto the fathers by the prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom he hath also made the worlds (Hebrews 1:2).
In times past in former days, he spoke through the prophets but today he speaks through his son. The former revelations came through Abraham and Isaiah and others which concluded with Malachi a period of over 3,500 years, he spoke to the “fathers,” “but hath in these last days”, the last days of that age the law age. Spoken to them by his son. Note that the sonship of God is God in office as a man and for this brief explanation may I point out Christ’s superiority as a man over all the prophets. For the know that as a man he is superior to all other men. As a man he is God in the flesh. As a man he is human and well as divine. Now no other man has been or will be like this man. This man is and was GOD MANIFESTED IN THE FLESH (I Timothy 3:16) hence his superiority over all after him and all before him.
who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person (v3).
Friends we cannot overlook this key. Jesus is the expressed image of God, the only image of God we will ever see. When we see Jesus we see God. He is the image the manifestation the invisible God made visible.
For as long as man sees Jesus as just another man or just another prophet they will never see his superiority. But the moment we see him as God we know and shall know that there is no man above this God man, neither can there be for as MAN he is God in the flesh. His coming then is GOD endorsing GOD. God himself the final endorsement of his own word.
Jesus is superior in his character, his sacrifice, his coming and his person. He is superior in that he is eternal, holy and without sin. He is superior in that he ever lives while all others have long gone died. He is superior in that he alone is GOD in the flesh. Immanuel God with us and for that reason is is above all and superior to all other prophets. He himself the final witness of his own word.
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