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Q. Salvation is in Jesus name not in the oneness truth (Acts 4:12)
A. Salvation is in the name of Jesus. (Acts 4:14). There is salvation in no other name, because there is no other God whose name is Salvation!
The name JESUS reveals who God is and it reveals the God of salvation. Jesus. Jehovah Joshua Christos, SALVATION. The Lord who has become MY LIGHT AND MY SALVATION. (Psalm 27:1). Upon this revelation we like Paul are baptized into the name (Acts 9:5-18). Salvation comes as a result of us knowing God. For how can we call on him we do not know? Why would you trust someone with your eternal destiny and life if you did not even know who that God was.
In the name means we use his name in and upon salvation and we do that when we are baptized into Jesus.
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. (Matthew 16:16 John 3:18).
Baptizing them.. in my name ( Matthew 28:19 ).
Salvation is an event in Jesus name and taking on his name in baptism is when we come into his family.
Finally we take on he name of our Husbandman just as any bride would take on the name of her husband. What women is there that would claim to be married to another yet refuse her husbands name?
Our marriage to Christ places us in Christ. We are baptized into Christ or into his family in his name. All things are done in his name and baptism is the event of salvation done in Jesus name ( Acts 2:38 Colossians 3:17).