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Why do apostolics who deny the trinity, celebrate ChristMass?. Both trinity and Christmas are Catholic and pagan in origin, yet we call ourselves separated and holy! Isn’t that hypocritical? (Jer 10:2-8) ..
Just a thought.. You’re loved and blessings of the Lord to you all Here are a few of the 120+ comments The discussion on facebook
# I don’t deny Christmas but what scriptural evidence do you have which suggests the trinity is pagan Paul?
#PAUL Jesus is the evidence. If he is not enough then one is an unbeliever. If you want scriptural evidence then look at Isaiah 45).
# You’re right it is pagan in origin. I had stopped celebrating it for about 10 years. Then i started accepting invitations to christmas dinner(cause its just a meal) then i started accepting christmas gifts(because it was kind of them). Then i didn’t want to my grandchildren to feel hurt so i got them a gift. Pretty suttle I just realized. Thanks for pointing this out
ANDREW Aside from all the pagan elements Paul do the heathen celebrate Christmas because of Christ or because of everything else other than Christ?
Paul B Thomas Hi Andrew. the heathen don’t celebrate Christ. They celebrate Christmas. They are not saying, thank you Jesus for a day off work or thank you Jesus for being born.One cannot celebrate Christ unless one is in Christ.
Marvin Sanguinetti, birthdays and anniversaries are not ‘religions’ but neither is Christmas, wouldn’t you agree? Christmas originated in paganism just like birthdays, is this not the truth?
Marvin SanguinettiI respect your honesty brother. If I should send you a birthday card, believe me, it would bear nothing but a prayer of thanksgiving for God’s blessings and continued longevity of life. Nothing to do with paganism. One love.
Pagan” An adherent of a polytheistic religion. (The freedictionary).. Birthdays and anniversaries are not religions but are practiced religiously. If celebrating birthdays and anniversaries are religiously performed then that can be a form of religion practiced by pagans or anyone else for that matter. Whats different about Christmas is that it takes Christ and makes Christmas an event, That’s wrong and in my view has pagan origins and intentions.
Why did the Roman church give us the 25th of December? Quite convenient for them. They make it a holy day and the world accepts it. still does! How cunning to get the church to embrace its custom. Catholicism has always been good at getting the church to embrace its days, its customs and its dogma.
“IN VAIN do they worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men…full well you REJECT THE COMMANDMENT OF GOD, that you may keep your own tradition” (Mark 7:7, 9).
Know you not, that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants you are to whom you obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” (Rom. 6:16).
Many pagan festivals, including Christmas (Saturnalia), Easter (the festival of Ishtar), was observed long before Christs birth. The apostate church embraced the idea and enforced its celebration on its adherants. Long before the fourth century and long before the Christian era itself a festival was celebrated among the heathen at this precise time of year in honor of the son of the birth of a son of the Babylonian queen of heaven in order to conciliate the heathen and swell the numbers of the heathen.The festival was adopted by the Roman Church ( p93 The Two Babylons).
Even Turtulian (230) bitterly lamenting the inconsistancy of the disciples of Christ and contrasting it with the strict fidelity of the pagans to their own superstition By us he says who are strangers to new moons and festivals once acceptable to God the Saturnalia, the feats of january, the Bumalia and matronalia are now frequented. gifts are carried to and fro, new years presents are made with din and sports and banquests are celebrated with uproar. Oh how much more faithful are the heathen to their religion, who take special care to adopt no solemnity from the Christians” (TERTULIAN. De Idolatria vol1 page 162)
Among the Arabians was the worship of the Moon God, the Lord Moon who regarded the moon and not the sun as their preferred God the same period was observed as a birth festival thus we read in stanley, Sabean Philosophy On the 24th of the tenth month that is december the arabians celebrated the birthday of the Lord, that is the moon. Remarkable it is that the Muslims today worship Allah who is a moon God.
“Hogmanay” celebrated by the Scots on the last day of the year is dated back to the Saxons who worshipped the Lord “moon” the “man on the moon” too them was the Lord moon. Hog Manai or deus lunas the “numberer.”
Catholic Encyclopedia, 1911 edition, under “Christmas”: “Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the Church…The first evidence of the feast is from Egypt.” Further, “Pagan customs centering round the January calenders gravitated to Christmas.” Under “Natal Day,” Origen, an early Catholic writer, admitted, “…In the Scriptures, no one is recorded to have kept a feast or held a great banquet on his birthday. It is only sinners (like Pharaoh and Herod) who make great rejoicings over the day on which they were born into this world” (emphasis mine).
The Encyclopedia Americana, 1956 edition, adds, “Christmas…was not observed in the first centuries of the Christian church, since the Christian usage in general was to celebrate the death of remarkable persons rather than their birth…a feast was established in memory of this event [Christ’s birth] in the 4th century. In the 5th century the Western church ordered the feast to be celebrated on the day of the Mithraic rites of the birth of the sun and at the close of the Saturnalia, as no certain knowledge of the day of Christ’s birth existed.”
Did Christ ever have a mass? The word “mass” is Catholic! Christ wasn’t Catholic. Catholicism is an alternative religion.
Take Christ out of Christmas, Christ was never in it! strange how the tree has taken the place of the cross and the lights on the tree taken the place of the light of the world. A coincidence! I think not rather a deliberate attempt by Rome and the pagans to worship another so called god.It’s for that reason I shall not celebrate it.
Christ in us the real gift.
CONCLUSION: If we are going to preach holiness, lets live it!