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But covet earnestly the best gifts:(1 Cor 12;31).
Brother Paul, we should not covet after all the scriptures tells “thou shalt not covet.” Why then does Paul tell us to “covet” spiritual gifts? If the negative command is so strict then consider the positive “command” which is “covet” spiritual gifts. The importance of the gifts cannot be overlooked, ignored or taken lightly. We are as powerful as our exercise of Gifts in the house of God. The spiritual gifts are the measuring rod of our spiritual activity and holy integrity. We should gauge our righteousness and holiness by the manifestation of God presence among us and operation of spiritual gifts. For “without holiness no man can see the Lord.” (Hebrews 12:14) The gift of miracles is the new norm, a miracle takes faith, your faith. “According to “your” faith” be it done to you. If you need a change of season and a move of God in your life today then Expect God’s miracle power to match the expectancy of your faith. Nothing less than a miracle will do today.