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If you want Signs and Wonders Then teach this..
The lack of signs and wonders in most Pentecostal churches today is not for a lack of prayer or holiness but rather a lack of time given for the Holy Ghost to move on the people and time for them to operate in the gifts of the Holy Ghost. Our programmes get in God’s way! Since most time it is the preachers who minister, the congregation does no ministry. This is a great shame. Paul exhorts us, to “every man” a spiritual gift is given.. for to one is given.. and another is given (1Cor 12;8-10).. severally as he will ( 12:11) for the edification of the whole (14:4,5) in all the churches of God (14:33).
A pastor can waste much time and effort in trying to get the saints to do works, church works, working in the children’s ministry, working in the media ministry. working in the hospitality ministry, while he himself is busy working on the next seminar or conference. He end’s up more frustrated than ever and the reason is this. we can work on every work we see that needs working on, but until we ‘work the works’ he has called us to work . Nothing possible with man will ever wor!
We must ‘work the works of him that sent us.’ We must work the gifts of the spirit that bring us into the supernatural. We must work the gifts of the Holy Ghost, then the holy Ghost will work for us.
It seems strange to me that years ago in the small chapel’s God’s power would move in operation among the folks while today in much bigger congregations, I see no evidence for this. Today we have to push, push and push, our non stop programme to get everyone pumped up and responsive. Maybe the greatest response would be if the saints had a chill time so they could manifest a “fire time.” a time where prophecy, tongues for interpretation and other gifts could be manifested. God is not honoured when we neglect spiritual gifts.
The use of spiritual gifts can make the difference between stagnant works and vibrant works, between a Holy Ghost church and a dead church, and why is this?… because it means leadership will have to step back and let the saints be saintly and the laity be Godly, giving them honor (12;22,23) . … did you notice verse 25, which tells us that spiritul gifts are a solution to disunity….” that there be schism in the body” (12:25). Spiritual gifts edify (build) the church and yes keep it together… If we want signs and wonders, rather than begging God to move we should as leaders be prepared to simply give way for the saints to minister (12:6). So that they can be built up by the Holy Ghost in the power of him that gave us power.
Brother Paul.