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I will look to the hills from whence cometh my help, my help cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth..(Psalm 121:1,2).
I was walking out of the city the other day, I crossed the bridge and glanced up the river towards the valleys. In the distance I could see the hills, I felt myself longing to escape to the hills. There’s something about hills that speaks of victory as well as challenges, challenges as in climbing up and conquering, victories as in getting to the top rather than living life below. Now thats the CHOICE, living below at ease or living it up embracing the heights. Somehow we have to step out of the lows of life and embrace the heights, tackle the things above you, rather than just settling for that which you are stuck with.
The psalmist said it like this, “I will look to the hills from whence cometh my help.” We know that the hills of themselves cannot provide help, however its in the “looking up” that we find our help forth hills, for if hills cause us to look higher then whatever is bigger than you is not your barrier but your helper. For the hills tell me that the mountain before me is my story. It just looks like a mountain right now. But if I can look at it and climb it then that which is buffer than me will become mine. Thats where my help comes from.
The mountain is not your problem its your sign,a sign that wherever you climb God will give you the strength to conquer. You see your help comes from the Lord, the hill is just there to remind you he I bigger than your expectation and greater than your ability. Its in the looking up that we find our freedom, its in the looking up that we see a brighter future and a better tomorrow. If you will look up God will Lift you up! IF YOU CAN LOOK UP GOD WILL GET YOU BACK UP. Theres victory in the looking up. As long as you can see a hill, God will provide the help! Look up my friend, God made the hills just to remind you that the higher things in life require an investigation. So next time you see a hill, take a good long look. Help is coming to you!