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Good Preaching
“Our preaching needs to be so hot that the devil has to go back to hell in order to cool down”
(49 On Fire Preaching Keys by Paul B Thomas)
Truth is simple, the gospel uncomplicated, revelation was sweet and the gospel unadulterated. I see much deep teaching today, so deep its like muddy waters, I can’t see what men are saying! When Jesus spoke he is words were understood by everybody, his doctrine pure. his message direct. Its my guess that if a man knows truth he can communicate it clear. Other than that the more he says the less he knows and the more he tries to uncover the bigger the hole he falls into.
Truth has fallen in the streets. All our energies and ministries are to be directed to the preaching of salvation. without such all our growth strategies, plans and goals are of no value. If salvation is not taught as doctrine daily then our character shall be corrupt and our fall shall be great. Only as we preach salvation can we preserve our purity. Failing in this we cease to be the church rather we become a synagogue of satan.
Good Preaching grabs the soul, challenges the mind, disturbs the conscience and frees the body. Good preaching will turn the crook to the book and the pagan to the pulpit. Good preaching will upset the mystic, awaken the heretic, appeal to the logic and convert the critic. Good preaching will turn all hell into all heaven or make all heaven all hell. It leaves no room for “Nice message pastor!” Nice has no power and neither have you if you have no truth.
Truth is that which has challenged you and saved you from a devil’s hell. Truth is your revelation of Jesus.If its not about Jesus, then you have no truth in you. Truth is not what you know to be true its who you know as the only truth. Jesus alone is the true God and to preach Jesus as God is to preach the Truth. To preach other things and to neglect to preach him as the main thing, is to commit pulpit idolatory.