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Disturbed Paul thou art mad (Acts 26;24).
1. An Undisturbed Conscience is a Dead Conscience
A good reputation like a dormant conscience is dangerous for the man of God. A DISTURBED Conscience maybe better, for then a man has to deal with stuff that effects his position with God. A dormant conscience is a neglected conscience. A dormant, undisturbed, hidden conscience hides more than it reveals. No man can get victory over that which he hides from God or self. The sins that accompany such are far greater in consequence. They are conceit, pride, selfishness, arrogance and haughtiness which are more dangerous than the sins which make men disreputable, for a man that has these “hidden” sins is less likely to condemn himself but the man whose sins are before others will always awaken the conscience of others as he himself lives with an awakened conscience himself.
The nature of the law is to lead us to Christ. Conscience too has its law that can also lead a man to God. Sin disturbs a man and can make man a disturber too. The most disturbed are not those whose lives are so holy that everyone makes a remark ‘look at his perfect life’ but rather those who have gone through hell and still fight the bondage that would seek to engulf their soul. Those who have sins and struggles they cannot escape, seek most to free others from its slavery. its always the self religious that hide their stuff. Sinners confess it and make no attempt to hide it. Don’t be afraid of your mistake. Holiness is not exemplifying a perfect life, Holiness is the desire to please God and live right before him. If it takes a disturbed conscience to follow God then God ‘disturb my conscience’ then maybe I have more conviction and more confidence in the reality of my God and his grace. Man of God, don’t hide your guilt, rather get rid of it then live, yes live for him. overcome its power and get power with God. God disturb my conscience then give me your righteousness that replaces it. Amen.
2. An Undisturbed Church is a Dead Church
Church of the always dead. The Lord spoke to Laodicea, apathy, “Thou art lukewarm” Those words coming from the Lord would disturb anybody. Thou art lukewarm! Thou art apathetic, a form of the derivative “pathetic.” O we would not want to be told we are pathetic would we! How about “You lie in total apathy.” Apathy” it means, to not care less, to close ones eyes to the truth, to ignore or overlook. In the Greek it means to be “without suffering” There’s a church up the valley called “Church of Ease” I don’t know any church where ease is possible, all that love truth will suffer persecution. Madness, that’s what they call those doing more for God than themselves. The least will always persecute those doing the most. Becci, my daughter, does street evangelism, she prays for the sick the drug addicts, and witnesses to the Muslims and and JWs. hands out free bible and prays for the sick in the supermarket. Its not the Pagans that confront her, its the dead religious. O you should be out on the streets alone, Jesus said go in two’s. You need to go to bible school before you do street work. Those with advice are always those who are doing less for God than you! “Apathy” “absence of passion” to be without fire or flame, not a mere indifference but an absence of “feeling.” A coldness towards God and those who walk in his power.. It’s like being married to a woman who gives you a cold shoulder every time you desire a conversation or intimacy with her. Do we not do that each time we say no to God’s word. A lukewarm church is an apathetic church No fire, No faith, No fire, no life. God light my fire, disturb my settledness, let me burn for thee. God disturb the coals in my life and light my fire.
3. An Undisturbed Church is a lost church
During that time there was a major disturbance about the Way. (Acts 19:23 HCSB). I’ve heard preachers criticize those who preach controversial things, controversy is only controversial to those whose ignorance masters their attitude. We need heretics, the church without heretics would not survive. The church that hides behind its dogma is a foolish, dying, lifeless church. We need doctrinal arousal, the church needs the heretics The apostles teachings caused a disturbance of the way, why the religious right were prisoners of dogma like todays preachers are prisoners of style and performance. The apostles were heretics, robbers and blasphemers (verse 27) they were accused of following the way called heresy in (Acts ) They were called ignorant and unlearned in Acts 2. Think of it, The lovers of the one true God called liars, false preachers, of the way they called ‘heresy.’ Have you been told you’re a ‘heretic!’ If you haven’t you haven’t really spoken the truth yet! Think of this, A man cannot claim to be ‘apostolic’ until he has been called a ‘heretic, he cannot clam to follows Peters God or Paul’s doctrine until he has been called a heretic.
A good preacher will always kick up the dust about the way. If he don’t the chances are your on the wrong road. The roman road or the Calvary Road. Which road are you on?
How do you know revival is here, when there’s a disturbance about the way. The way into the tabernacle was by way of the altar. Today we have no altar. Where folks get disturbed at the altar. No altar, no fire. No alter no change. It’s a move in of God or a move out of the people. We need a disturber! How do you know if the Spirit of God be still with you. You are disturbed. I rather be disturbed than know God has taken his spirit away from me, how about you. God Disturb my arrogance. God disturb my carnality. God disturb my doctrine. God disturb my slothfulness. We need a disturbance lest we die in our dilema.