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God Notes #01
by Paul B Thomas
The One Name of The One Lord God
“And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one.” (Zech 14:9).
I am convinced that Jesus is God as says the scriptures. If Jesus is not God then who is the God who will save me and become my redeemer.
God is God and there is none after him or before him. God is one and needs not another to be man’s saviour, redeemer, voice or messenger.
God is one. The Ten Commandments reveal that the Lord is God. And over 6000 times we are told that the “Lord is God” for example Deuteronomy 6:4. Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord
The phrase. ‘Lord thy God’ reveals to us who it is that is God. The LORD The Lord he is God (Psalm 100:3). Thomas in the New Testament called JESUS ”My Lord and My God’ (John20:28) John called him ‘the True God’ (1 John 5:20). Titus called him ‘Our Great God and Saviour’ (Titus 2:13).
Every tongue shall confess that JESUS is Lord(.Philippians 2:11) Let’s take this seriously folks, the one who all one day confess is Jesus. All men will one confess Jesus to be God! That is what LORD means GOD! No other god will be confessed, man will not bow down to any other so called god, no matter what their faith or religious experience. All will bow down and acknowledge Jesus as God.
Whoever calls upon the NAME of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13). These scriptures clearly reveal that the “name” of him who is called the LORD God is Jesus. One day all will call him LORD meaning Jehovah. All one day will confess him as God. Selah!
We know that “Lord” and “God” are titles but salvation is in the NAME why because thees only one being who has revealed deity. No other has walked with him and claimed to be ‘in him’ and know him as Jesus, In fact he said no other knows the Father but the Son and him to whom the Son will reveal. ( John 14:11. Luke 10:22).
“I and the father are ONE” Jesus said. Not a one as some would have us believe like husband and wife. For it is possible for a husband to be present without his wife. But wherever Jesus was that’s where the Father was also. The Father is in me (John 10:30. John 14:10). Again scripture tells us God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself (2 Cor 5:19).
He said only what the Father said, he done only what the Father told him to do, he came to do the Fathers will all these things show us that he was so at one with the father that he was the Father. But why? so that we would know that the father is real. he came to reveal the Father. What other reason would there be for a thirty three year old to say only what he father says and do only what his Father tells him to do. No normal thirty three year old lives like that!
Except this man be himself the Father!
So the Lord came to reveal God! The Son came to reveal the Father and only he could. Here is the incredible truth, Jesus in the Greek means Jehovah which translated means ‘salvation’ again psalms tells us The LORD is my light and my salvation. (Psalm27:1) Jesus is salvation coming to us. Again God is my light and salvation it’s the same as saying JESUS is my Jehovah!
There is salvation in. No other name other than Jesus why? Jesus is our Jehovah Emmanuel ‘God’with is (Isaiah9:6).