November 4, 2024

God and The Myth of Retirement

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Retirement, it’s what we all work to isn’t it or is it?

Retirment is not a goal to go for in God’s life manual, the bible.

Retirement can make us dependent on saving’s that may be worth far less later than they are right now. Retirement can cause us to give up on life when we are most capable of investing everything we have discovered and learned into life. Retirement can put our life on hold as society around us prepares for our demise. Not so for those who have the Spirit of God in them. I believe and am convinced retirement can hold great prospects for the believers who understand life from a biblical perspective.

As we get older our character matures, we are better able to arrive at decisions and make sound choices out of good judgement. The knowledge we have gained in life matures and can if we capitalise on it we can make our biggest move, in our later years. Our broad perspective helps us focus on what’s important and meaningful and such skill becomes the very asset we can do trade with. We are more capable in later years to become people investors and life creators, life coaches, business mentors, advisors and pioneers of new projects and community ventures, than what we ever were, simply because of who we have become.

Retirement is a lifestyle. Life is your investment!

So, don’t retire, pioneer!

Do something that shakes your world and lead.


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