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Paul’s Power Thought For the Month
January a new year, The Push of the Spirit. What is the Holy Ghost saying, I awoke having heard God speak to me, “GO” yes his command is simple GO, Preach. (Mark 16;15). I love the simplicity and uncomplicatedness of God’s command. After nearly 9 years in UK its time to go and preach Revivals again in USA, as God directs. Maybe start a church as well as he opens the door. My heart, God let me be as clear and direct in my communication as you have been with your command. Take me and this gift and let your name be glorified, let souls be awaken as to your truth and oneness and let your name bring forth revival. For a monthly newsletter join me on and where you can also hear some podcast I have done. For My Bio visit me HERE
Brother Paul is available to preach Revival, Book Acts style, in Jesus Name at your church. he is currently focusing on KY in 2019. If this interests you please contact him. You can read more on Brother Paul and his passion for a Holy Ghost Revival and a Jesus Awakening Here on Paul B
CHAT AT COSTA’S Meet Brother Paul for chat and discussion and coffee, Topics: Salvation in the book of Acts – The Deception of asking Jesus into your Heart – Jesus or the trinity – How to hold an Acts style revival in your church every Sunday – The apostles doctrine – A healthy discussion around coffee. Can also hold in your venue, church or seminar.
40+ EBooks on Amazon
EBooks to be read on your device. Provoking thought, creating a rucus, My goal, the apostles doctrine “as is” I want to be saved, don’t you?
- 9 Reasons Why You Should Be Baptised in Jesus Name
- Acts 2:38 Salvation
- Fire in the Pulpit Amen in the Pew
- Too Hot For Hell Too Cool For Church
- Jesus What a God God what a Man
- Why Be Normal When you Can be Great
- Jesus or The Trinity?
- Rut Busters For Godly Men
- 21 Days of Revival
- Deity Undercover Boss
- Spiritual Gifts (2)
- Spiritual Gifts (3)
- Jesus God’s Greatest Name
- Life Without Limit’s.
- The Sinners Prayer or the True Gospel
Believers Bible Study
- Man created to glorify God
- Individual Responsibility
- The Fall and Redemption of Man
- Salvation by Water and Spirit
- The Deity of Christ
- Seperation of Church and State
- Individual Responsibility
- Bible Sanctification
- Ministry to the Poor
- What is The Gospel?
- What is Man?
- The Law and Christ
- A Sinless Life
- The Believers Dominion
- The Outpouring of the Holy Ghost
- The End of the Age
- The Importance of Sound Doctrine
- Christ our Model and Pattern
- Contending For Truth
- How should we study the Bible?
- Being Diligent as a Believer
- Being Steadfast in the Faith
- Jesus The Healer
Over 40 Bible studies FREE love gift is appreciated to those who desire to obtain our School certificate. Added daily with a link
- Death Bed Conversion
- Who are The Dead?
- Rebaptism in Jesus Name
- Origin of the Trinity
- The Purpose of The Church
- The Power of Purposeful Prayer
- One Lord One Faith One Baptism
Tracts to challenge the mind, educate the soul and make us right with God.