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…and I pray that the fellowship of your faith may become effective through the “knowledge” of every good thing which is in you for Christ’s sake. (Philemon 1:61)NASB or as the KJV states the “acknowledging” of every good thing. The Lord gives “knowledge” of witty inventions. (Prov 8:12)
How different our lives could have been if we had only acted on the thoughts and ideas that God has given us. How many ideas have you had that you later abandoned because you thought they were too big for you? “Well thats just me,” you may have said. “my own reasoning” as if God cannot speak through your own reasoning! Missed opportunities! We’ve all had missed opportunites, thoughts that could have been ministries, ideas that could have become a business, solutions that could have become a global platform. What if you just said “yes” to every good thing, rather than disregarded every good thing, just because you simply thought “Oh that’s just me!”
God says yes that is “Just you” All we know is the “You” that is today. God sees the “you” that will be tomorrow. So trust him. So the next time God speaks, note it, think on it, develop it and run with it.