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Contend for The Faith
Jude a servant … To them that are sanctified..
Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called: (v1)
Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints
“Beloved” those loved those who are his brethren.
Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith (Jude1:3).
“Called “ A tri-fold commendation to those who are “Called” “beloved” and “preserved” as if grouping together the saints as the called chosen and beloved hence his warning against those who come in sneakily into the fold with their false gospel to divide.
“Beloved” friends on the faith, partners, fellow laborers.
“All diligence” this takes priority with me.
“Common salvation” There were no two or more versions of it there was but one salvation all had in common, and we are in danger of loosing it.
“Once delivered” Being delivered once and for all no need of repetition alteration, re-adaptation or modification. Delivered once and for once it has been delivered unto all.
“Saints” Meaning holy apostles and prophets. Those who the Lord gave the truth of the gospel. We build on the foundation of the apostles an prophets.
The reason for writing. A threat was imminent to the gospel that the apostles gave denying the only Lord God even (Kai) he who is the Lord Jesus (v4).
Whenever there is denial of the Lord God there is denial of salvation in his name, Jesus.
“Contend” for the faith once delivered.
The faith that shared a common salvation not a salvation that is different or another salvation but the salvation that was common to all then.
“Contend for” The word is a graphic one, implying standing over a thing to fight in its defense. You must fight as well as build. (Nehemiah 4:16; Nehemiah 4:18). (Elliott’s).
As a watchman. Defending ones fortress as a prophet peering into the distance. As a defender standing in ones.
“The faith” Acts tells us about the conformation of those churches “in the faith” Paul often spoke of the “faith,” of him destroying the “faith” and the “household of faith.”
In the book of Philippians Paul urges them to strive for the faith of the gospel (Phil 1:27). While in the Pastoral epistles he uses such expressions as “erring from the faith” or being made “shipwreck of the faith.”
The word “err” is a navigational term and means to stray for the course or path.
If it is possible to “err” from the faith then we have to ask what faith is it that one can err from? Is it “faith” in Christ or is it “the faith” as in the church.
In Paul’s day there was but one faith founded by the one Lord. The church of Jesus Christ the church of God distinguished from others by the very fact that it was built on the teachings of Jesus. Upon this basis it was and still is considered the true and original church.
Today the picture of the church is wide to the point where Christianity no longer reflects the church that Jesus built. It’s doctrine is different. It’s view of God is trinitarian and entrance to it is through sprinkling or easy believism or repentance and forgiveness only. What we have today is a faith unlike the faith.
It has become a faith in ones faith, that is faith as a practice rather than the faith which is a doctrine. The unity has become a faith as in my faith not a faith as in “the faith” What we all adhere to, principles, standards, foundations groundings in reality.
Friends a faith without grounding in the faith is actually not faith for there can be no real faith unless one puts all his faith into that which is “the faith” of the living God, the church and truth which he made his own.
For the obedience of the faith.. The churches established in “the faith” (Romans 1:5).
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith (Gr the faith). (Hebrews 12:2).
Mine own son in the faith.. Greet then that love is in “the faith” (I Tim 1:2 Titus 3:15).
Fight the good fight of (Gr the) faith.
The word of (Gr the) faith which we preach (Romans 10:8)”
Clearly then when Paul referred to “contending for the faith” and the doctrine received that brought them into that faith, The faith” referring to the original apostolic teaching, not the abstract form of ones faith, but rather “the faith” a body of believers sworn to its doctrine, the fundamentals of the first church where men walked in the faith before they walked by faith.
Till we all come in the faith. (Ephesians 4:13). Earnestly contend for the faith (Jude 3).
When we are baptized into the faith, we came into the one truth by the one way, the narrow way by reason of the name of Jesus invoked on us at baptism. (Acts 2:38). This then was the considered the “common salvation” known by all that came this way.
There then is a faith unlike any other, for it is embraced by all who have this kind of faith. Not all can come this way for it is the narrow way and to go this way takes great faith, that is why few find it.
A man believes in the name the remission of sins in the name (Acts 2:38) and as such is one who seeks baptism into the name. Now that is not a practice of the many but the few. It is not the practice of other “faiths” only those who are of the one Lord one faith. What we call the apostles doctrine or the apostolic Jesus name faith, the church as in Acts (Acts 2:42).
Those of the faith believe in the one God and that his name is Jesus. Now this narrows the term “faith” down yet again for few there are that believe that Jesus alone is God.
The way into this faith was by water and spirit (John 3:5).
“The common salvation” (Titus 1:4). The “common salvation” among all (Jude 3). What was common then not what is common to us now.
We should fight for this truth. We should defend this truth, we should preach this truth. We should declare this truth. Contend, strive, provoke, keep alive, this truth. I can’t join your faith. But you should join this. If I can’t contend for truth what right have I in the pulpit? If this truth is not alive in me then I am a dead man speaking words that have no life, being a light that is dimmer than the darkness being a fake worse than an infidel. As one born of a harlot, destitute having not God. There is only one Lord, one faith, one baptism and for that we must strive to enter into.
If one believes that he is not of this faith then what faith is he said to be of? If he be not of this faith then he has no faith in the God of this faith. If he be not of this faith then he has no faith, since this faith alone is the faith of the true God.
Anyone can believe in God and that don’t take faith. But to believe that Jesus is God takes faith because a man has to believe that he has a name above all other names. Now that takes faith.
Further he has to believe that Jesus is both son and father. This Faith takes the greatest of faith and upon this basis alone is the true faith.
Now if a man says “I don’t believe that!” then he is saying, “I have no faith to believe that God is one and his name is Jesus he therefore is an unbeliever. He has no faith for this truth! for to him it is a lie.
This faith delivered once and for all. Preached by the apostles, spoken of to the world. declared by the prophets, authorized by the Lord. Believe it. Preach it. Join it, get baptized into it. No other name than Jesus. No other faith than that which bears his name.
Now for that faith I will contend