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The internet… Go online and test your blood pressure.. ranters and ravers, news fakers and news makers, celebrity gossipers and Christian propheteers – (profiteers) – one God haters and bad law makers. Russian spies, lies, Korean shoots, Asian troops, political loops, Eu flops, and the british pound drops. How, then do we deal with stuff! Junk talk.. bad talk, pointless talk. Get offline! No, Just find someone you can say “Hi” too (shouldn’t be too hard) in this day and time. Think of a problem they may have and offer a solution, give some encouragement and a word of enlargement. Send a message to a pastor and help him think bigger, find a friend whose at wits end and make him a winner. Share a truth, and set their mind on fire, touch your neigbour and be a kind brother, build a bridge, you do it like no other….. If the web cant be positive I will. If the world can’t tell me whats good then I will. … hope you Will too… Hope i’ve blessed you today…