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Hebrews talks about looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. As author our faith starts with Jesus as finisher it ends with him too and everything else in between is about him also. to go back to feats type s and days is to have a religion. why go back to religion when you have Jesus?
Why go back to religion when you are born of God and born again you cant improve on your present state you are born of God you cant better than so why would you want to go back yes go back to observing days and feasts and weeks?
Since you are in Christ then Christ has become your sabbath.
Since you are in Christ them Christ has become your feast.
In christ the temple is not a place its you.
In Christ Jerusalem is not a city, you are that city
In Christ there is no feast day, your salvation is the eternal feast, the marriage supper of the lamb.
In Christ Jesus has become our sabbath. we celebrate him. we don’t celebrate a day for he has become our day.
The feasts or the new creation? Religious system or worship in spirit and truth? Returning to the old testament feats is to crucify him afresh. It is to be as a dog returning back to its vomit
It is to make the cross in vain. To go back to an earthly kingdom is not neglect the gift within you and to draw back as some have. You are of another kingdom now. You are in Christ and christ fulfils all things (See Hebrews).
Religious acts don’t change a man, in fact religion makes a man hardened to God. Jesus changes men Jesus changes mens life. Don’t exchange religious for Jesus, change religion for Jesus he said IAM the way the truth and the life, no church can say that but Jesus can.