Be a Difference Maker

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My challenge of 2025
Questions to ask Yourself

1. Will my work be talked about two years from now?
2. Will my website and online ministry be a source of revival five years from now or will it long been forgotten by then
3. Whose lives am I touching and whose soul am I making mad?
4. Am I wandering form Job to job, posts to post, dream to dream or am I standing my ground and fighting for that which I know? (1 Cor 16;13) ‘Stand fast in the faith quit you like men, be strong.’
5. Am I preaching a gentle Jesus Jesus loves you message. This was not the gospel emphasis or lingo of the apostles. Read again Acts 2;38. and find its not love folks want its truth that brings love.
6. Am I a vocal leader or a silent leader WHAT am I pursuing that others call ‘dangerous!’
7.Am I causing a riot or a revival today….stirring up both would be even better!
8.What am I doing to mentor tomorrows Heroes
9. What Books haven’t I read that will upset my theology and reset my love for the Lord?
10.Have I Dealt with lust lately. what about covetousness and idolatry. Am I cleaning out my closet and making room for Holiness? or am I Living the other side of defeat with my enemy already under my feet?

It’s possible

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