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The PURITANS separated themselves from the church of England because they disagreed with the unscriptural teachings of the church. and wanted to “purify” themselves of its unscriptural practices. Everyone who dishonoured the king and did not worship as he did was thrown into prison. This dissention grew especially in the 1620s. Encouraged by the success of the Separatists the Puritans began looking to America and the new world with fresh hopes of religious freedom. A group of Puritans formed the Massachusetts Bay Company and after obtaining a charter from the king began to develop the tract of land in the New England area, which was basically a charter that allowed them to form a self governing commonwealth. In the spring of 1630, 1000 men and women sailed for the states and later over 2000 other puritans settled in the new world and named the biggest town in the colony, Boston. The migration of Pilgrims increased and later became known as the great migration. It was Governor John Winthrop who later called their colony as a “city upon a hill.” a great example of christian leadership and evangelism.