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Be free my Friend, end your guilt and condemnation. Believe the Word. if you are born of water and Spirit don’t let satan accuse you any longer. remember he is the accuser of the brethren. Cont:
12. To say that believers have demons is direct insult to the Holy Ghost which is blasphemy. Its to speak against the Holy Ghost. Its calling what’s holy ‘Unclean.’ It’s calling the Vessel God has sanctified, unholy. Its also suggesting that Christ’s finished work in not yet finished and that Calvary’s work could not complete redemption.
13. I’ve known preachers themselves to be told that they have demons. This is not knew they told Jesus the same thing. ”..Again there was division among the Jews because of Jesus’ message. Many of them said, “He is demon-possessed and insane. Why would you listen to Him?” But others replied, “These are not the words of a man possessed by a demon. Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?” (John 10;19,20), Jesus himself being accused of having a demon (Mt 9:34. Mat 12;24).
14. To accuse a spirit filled believer that he has a demon is itself an accusation. Satan is the accuser of the brethren (Rev 12;100 This is the work of Demons!
15. There is no example of any believer ( One who is born of water and spirit through taking on the name of Jesus at baptism see Acts 2:38) of having a spirit or demon cast out of them in the scriptures. All those the other side of Pentecost could not be born of water and Spirit, the true new birth (John 3;5).
16.. In the scriptures particularly in the ministry of Jesus, those who had demons cast out of them were NOT Christians! but non Christians who were troubled or possessed by demons.
17. Falling into sin or committing a sin is not the work of a demon. Jesus forgives when we mess up. when we ask him to forgive us. ‘My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: (1 John 2;1).’
18. Having a headache is not a demon, having a cold is not a demon, having cancer is not a demon, anything that can be cured by medication is not a demon.
19. Many today are placed under great bondage by this non biblical teaching. it has no bible foundation, friend we must accept Gods redeeming power that’s in the blood of Jesus which was given for the remission of all sins further baptism in water in Jesus name, too, is for the remission of all sins and to deny either is to deny the faith, (Acts 2:38 This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured … for many for the forgiveness of sins. for this is my … is shed for many for the remission of sins (Matt 26;28).
20.When we tell genuine believers that they need deliverance we are challenging their salvation. Salvation Gk ‘Sozo’ means wholeness, deliverance). The Greek tells us that when we are saved we are delivered!, ‘neither is thee SALVATION in any other name (Acts4;14) Strongs 4991 ‘Soteria’ Salvation, rescue, deliverance,’ When we are baptized into the name we are invoking the name. This means Jesus himself is the one baptizing us. Selah!
21. We shall be saved from wrath through him 4982 Strongs. Romans 5;9. Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be SAVED Acts 2;21 Strongs 4982 For by grace are ye saved Ephesians 2;8 Strongs 4982. This Greek word SOZO meaning Save, rescue, deliver heal. All of which are in the redeeming work of Salvation in Christ. this means when we are saved, we are healed saved and delivered.
22. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, (Col 1;13)
HAS past tense. delivered us. The Gk for ‘delivered’ is ‘Ryomia’ 4506 Strongs to rescue, deliver, delivered. If you are saved you have been delivered!
23. Should you cast our demons, yes! that’s our mission. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. *Matt 10;8) that’s the message of deliverance.
24. Born not of corruptable seed but by the word of God ‘Anagaennao’ Strongs 313, to be born from above. begotten again, born again. Born of ‘incorruptable’ seed. innocent honest, honourable, immaculate, irreproachable (Websters). that is the seed in you, the nature of God in you! Satan cannot corrupt what God has called incorruptable.
25. I pray that is you have been accused of having demons that you will stand on God’s word and with Jesus authority based on the scriptures put your accusers to rest. let no one say you have a demon when God himself has chosen to fill you with his spirit that is himself. Jesus dwells in you. Christ in you the hope of glory. whom he Christ has set free is free indeed,
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 1 Timothy 4;1
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly
The Spirit, says he, speaketh expressly…
Some shall depart — Or rather, shall apostatize, from the faith giving heed to seducing Spirits.
And as the apostle hath introduced this prophecy immediately after his account of the mystery of godliness, is it not probable that his design in so doing was to give the faithful an opportunity of comparing this mystery of iniquity with the mystery of godliness,
And as the apostle hath introduced this prophecy immediately after his account of the mystery of godliness, is it not probable that his design in so doing was to give the faithful an opportunity of comparing this mystery of iniquity with the mystery of godliness,
Those who have ‘departed’ abandoned the faith that is the ‘faith once delivered’ the faith they once had and now embrace another faith. This itself the work of seducing Spirits. Those who teach doctrines of demons fail to realize that they themselves have been seduced by the very spirit they claim others have. This is a serious matter for it concerns both apostacy and heresy two words we seldom hear of today nevertheless these conditions are present in this world
Believe not every spirit, every pretender to inspiration, but try the spirits whether they be of God.
Pagan beings, spirits, or deities, its the making a god of other gods not that one would worship demons but rather ‘giving heed’ to spirts, there is only one true Spirit that is God himself. He alone must have our devotion. by majoring inon a doctrine that is not the doctrine of god and the person of God we are ineffect making ‘another’ God, see the subtlety.
NB the true ‘Believers’ as contrasted to those who simply ‘believe’ the devil believes. (James 2;19 )The term ‘believers’ of itself therefore cannot be applied to everybody. In the bible the believers were those who were disciples of Jesus teachings.