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Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead (Ephesians 5:4).
How do you know you are asleep?
When you can’t shake yourself loose for the spirit that binds you.
When you can’t stop talking about giving up, taking up another career, thinking that ministry no longer works for you. thinking youve wasted your life and can’t move out of a rut. You’re in a sleep when the revelation you have does not match the mission God has given you. You’re hooked onto preaching messages that have no life and revelation that have no power. You have a man made message, a second hand impartation, a “hand me down” you could not afford. You recieved it on the cheap while you were asleep. Friend you have to wake up!. God must shake you. truth dont come without a shaking.
Like Ezekiels vision, life has to come to a dead corpse, a shaking has to come to you. One has to become an army. Life has to come from the living God. God has to breathe in you the message you must speak. sleeping is as good or should I say as bad as being dead. But i’ve come to tell you. truth is coming to wake you up. What truth? the truth that Jesus is God. If you can recieve it, it will shake you out of your grave. Come forth! awake! rise from the dead. Its your grave breakthrough day.
about 3 weeks ago
about 4 months ago
about 8 months ago
about 8 months ago