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I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14).
Big things we all look for big things, big technology, the next big thing online, big society, whose big in the movies, chasing a big career, pay packet and even ministry.
Maybe we have forgotten that the new Big Thing is the revelation of “God” himself, hsi person and name and if we are ever going to kid ourselves that there are things and opportunites out there that dwarf the revelation of God we are indeed for a shock.
We have yet to know the measure of love we have yet to experience the depths of grace.
We have yet to walk in revelation truth and see Jesus in us the manifestation of God’s new creation.
We have yet to know what it means to see God make us rich with wealth that adds no sorrow.
We have yet to see the gifts of the spirit open blind eyes on a sunday night cast out devils on a monday, speak in tongues on a tuesday, and cause the doors of God’s house to be forever open from noon to night and all week long.
Our calling, that’s big too. A personal realisation that our calling is Big, its a drawing to a high calling. no job position, career move or pay rise will match this! Your calling is BIG!
Do you know the “bigness” of your calling and what it is God has in store for you?
Your calling, what God has already put in you, thats how I like to define something invisible and powerful. It’s the thing God has put in you. workings, movements denominations organisations, cities, prophecies, communities, ideas, churches, books, truth.
If you really knew what’s in you, you would’nt chase external stuff.
Dianna told me a few months ago “I’m 44 and just twenty years away from retirement, now that scares me. It means I have twenty two years to do something.’ of course minus the hours one spends sleeping, shopping and eating and you’re down to eleven! Now may I ask, what is it that you’re going to chase after!
Of course I didn’t do the maths on myself, I don’t have too, the older you get the less calculations you have to make, or is it more? You have to realise one thing about destiny and the big prize, its this, the honours have already been awarded all you have to do is get up and go get the prize. It’s Big!
When Paul said “I press toward the mark” he was hinting to us that there is a place in us all that we have yet to ascend to, a mountain we have yet to conquer, a destiny we have yet to seize, a calling we have yet to embrace thats going to take all we are to manifest all that we’ve got.
“The true value of the gift is only discovered by the demand that’s in your spirit”
What about you I’m talking of prime time living. Its not about the length of days even though we all seek to be productive for more than three score years and ten. We have to number our days in order to do our best work while in our prime.
“God’s High Calling is God’s Next Big Thing IN YOU”
Going either for God’s Big thing or the world’s definition of whats big right now. In the spirit you already have the highest office, the best job description, the highest honour, the biggest treasure, the most prolific of awards. Why chase the lesser when you have something so much more? Your gift is God’s impartation of heaven to you so why chase on earth that which God has given you from heaven? Do earthly things in such as brick and stone paper and pen really mean more than God’s highest calling on your life.
about 3 weeks ago
about 4 months ago
about 8 months ago