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Selfishness destroys a relationship sacrifice enhances it! Here are ten simple ways men can add zip to their marriage
1. Do the dishes. Men can be men
and do kitchen stuff!
2. Be a man and do the man-like thing. Don’t try to be like her, be a
man. Be her warrior, defender and hero! Yes be a man.
3. Think like a protector and show love like a hero. Men fall in love,
but it takes a man to love in adversity and difficulty. Love stays the distance
in hard times.
4. Be a praying man and pray hard
with real love.
5. Be a father and not just a dad
to the kids. This means you can mentor and motivate, influence and provoke them
to achieve great things.
6. Be a provider to your wife. Go shopping for her. If she dislikes
shopping make shopping an experience rather than a chore. Don’t buy things you
like, buy stuff for her that she would love to buy for herself.
7. Watch TV with her although your tastes may be different.
8. Men can only think about one thing at a time. You’re in a car and
your wife is talking, realizing that you are not paying attention, she will
“What’s the last thing I’ve said?”
Then to make it worse you tell her the answer. Yes you tell her the answer but
you didn’t understand the problem. Women need understanding as well as a man’s
9. Don’t just Listen, engage!
Men are solution minded. But women don’t want a quick fix to their problems
they want openness and engagement on the things that matter. You don’t have to
be a good talker to have good conversation, just be a good lover!
10. Men Love beyond the Image
Don’t try to be macho, rather try conquering through love. If you’ve got a
problem, use love. Think of Jesus he disarmed himself to win his bride and so
must you. Macho won’t work Love will