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The Local community
is the hub of life that makes
the quality of life
Good! … Great towns become good places to live when people connect on many levels …. When Citizens take responsibility
for neighbourhood
needs, community takes on meaning….
The global world has brought us many friends, associates and business from afar but in contrast many of our local towns and offline communities find us as strangers to those around us.
The quality of life is not dependant on the economic status of a town the quality of life is determined by how we connect and build friends, Community does not come from government policy or the economy, community comes from individuals doing the little thing many times over.
The problem with society is not with the government the issue is in how we think as communities. Until we accept responsibility for our well being and the socialness of our local community then we will always cry the victim rather than celebrate being those who make things happen.
Community comes from conversation, If we chat offline to local strangers as muchas we chat online gloabl stanragers we could change our communities. Change comes by doing little things often like, helping a neighbour, seeing a problem and fixing it, connecting with people and making your presence known. You can build community with your smile, be a voice, tell folks you care
about 3 weeks ago
about 4 months ago
about 8 months ago
about 8 months ago
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Be proactive, start things, Be creative, start a craft group an art group, a business group, any group
Fight for a cause
Help young teens
Say hello, get to know and you be known
Share your passion everyday
on posters, print on the canvass of people’s mind
Refuse to be silent, become a voice of change.