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Keeping things hot is an art, drinking coffee helps!
How to keep it Hot
How to keep it Hot
Starbucks offers an experience for the basic need to drink coffee. Thats what we have to do with relationships personal, marital or business. Take what we need daily and make it memorable. Here’s how.
Take whats normal an make it event to remember
Get rid of question mark’s, be in the know, be armed with facts and get rid of maybe’s.
Express yourself in different ways add flavour, then reinvent the menu
Be intentful… Go do it
Play on the principle that Engagement brings happiness… it really does!
Realise that where theres detailed attention to recongnition there is profit
Forge a bond thats inviting
Make surprise the prize
Get plugged in. wi-fi your relationships
Date your Dream
Change the way those in your world experience coffee
Sit and contemplate often
Sip the cream and …
Fall in love
…. YES.. How do you keep it hot?
Fall in love…