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The law of seedtime and harvest the master law for business and life works eternally
for rich and poor and when used can
birth abundance in every facet of life.
1 Seed faith is what you have when nothing exists but belief in the unknown.
2. Seed Faith is giving of yourself, when money is absent. Faith is sowing kindness when hate is present.
3. Seed Faith is an investment in God’s big thing for You. Faith is a seed what you sow comes back to you bigger than that which left you.
4.Seed Faith is what you have when nothing exists but belief in the unknown.
5. Seed Faith is the life of your harvest in your hands.
6. Seed Faith is what you let loose when everything else has tied your hands.
7. Seed Faith is talking a step knowing that what is unseen is every bit as possible as things. you see every day around you.
8. Seed Faith makes the giver rich and leaves the beggar poor. Faith is what you give to others when you yourself need it most. love, time, help, a caring hand, attention, solutions, yourself. Be the gift others need.
Ebooks on Amazon by Paul
Aug 24, 2015
Apostolic Doctrine
Paul Thomas
Aug 24, 2015
Apostolic Doctrine
Paul Thomas
Aug 24, 2015
Apostolic Doctrine
Paul Thomas
Aug 24, 2015
Apostolic Doctrine
Paul Thomas
Aug 24, 2015
Apostolic Doctrine
Paul Thomas
Aug 24, 2015
Apostolic Doctrine
Paul Thomas