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Does God hunger does God thirst Does God need rest? Of course right throughout the Old Testament this same LORD tells he alone is God, so we have the LORD Jesus, the same LORD the only LORD, in the New Testament talking like a mere man! so why does he talk as a man if he’s God?
The answer lies in his dual nature.
The duality of his being, him being both God and man allow him to suffer yet be our healer.
His duality of nature allow him to die yet himself being the resurrection and the life
The duality of his nature allow him to thirst yet himself be the living water, the Holy Ghost that fills us all
The duality of nature allows him to be hungry yet he himself the bread of heaven that comes to every man
The dual nature allows him to be on earth yet speak as from heaven.
The duality of nature allows him to be divine as well as human
The duality of nature allows him to be God while speaking as a Son.
Only Jesus can have the dual nature of both God and man
A want to chime in with the following:John 1:1 says that the Word was God. John 1:14 says that And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us Jesus said, The Father and I are one. ~ John 10:30 (Gods Word Translation)Thomas, one of the twelve apostles, responded to Jesus, My Lord and my God! ~ John 20:24-28 (Gods Word Translation)All of God lives in Christs body ~ Col. 2:9 (Gods Word Translation)These scriptures clearly indicate that Jesus is God in the flesh.~ bishop
Bishop thankyou, The Col 2:9 quote is one I dont think I’ve heard before, amazing too, Its just revelation that ticks my box. Its truth that brought me out of darkness into his marvelous light. Any input on this subject is valued and I’m sure you have much insight into this amazing subject. Thank you my brotherbrother Paul
Pastor Paul, you are teaching the unadulterated truth of the Word of God! And what a word this is! God bless you!Paulette