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1. The Lord commands us to go into all the world and preach the gospel (Matt 27:19)
2. Your gift matches God’s assignment (Eph 4:11,12)
3. You can’t be a witness without preaching (Acts 4:33)
4. Stay at home Christians wait for revival, missionaries take revival.
5. Your comfort zone is boring, missions is life changing. Everyone should be a missionary.
6. God no longer winks at people’s ignorance over the person of God. Todays preachers tell them the name of the one true God (Acts 217:30).
7. What if you could own nations?… why stay at home paying the mortgage (Psalm 2:8)
8. Its time to buck the trend and go rather than conform to the trend and stay at home
9. Having a word from God yet never going to another town state or nation is spiritual hypocrisy (Jer 29:26)
10. If you are a prophet yet never speak to nations God will make you poor and you could die a wreck (Jeremiah 29:32)
11. Life is short only whats done for the Lord counts in eternity (Ecclesiastes 1:3).
12. Do believers really have a choice!…. and if so why would you want one? (Josh 24:15)
2. Your gift matches God’s assignment (Eph 4:11,12)
3. You can’t be a witness without preaching (Acts 4:33)
4. Stay at home Christians wait for revival, missionaries take revival.
5. Your comfort zone is boring, missions is life changing. Everyone should be a missionary.
6. God no longer winks at people’s ignorance over the person of God. Todays preachers tell them the name of the one true God (Acts 217:30).
7. What if you could own nations?… why stay at home paying the mortgage (Psalm 2:8)
8. Its time to buck the trend and go rather than conform to the trend and stay at home
9. Having a word from God yet never going to another town state or nation is spiritual hypocrisy (Jer 29:26)
10. If you are a prophet yet never speak to nations God will make you poor and you could die a wreck (Jeremiah 29:32)
11. Life is short only whats done for the Lord counts in eternity (Ecclesiastes 1:3).
12. Do believers really have a choice!…. and if so why would you want one? (Josh 24:15)
My first mission territory, brother, is my home, but then who knows? God bless, Paul!