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Why do we suffer? Let me share some insight I had from my dear brother Vuli from Fiji this morning.
Why do many folks quit when they experience trouble why do they Give up on God when things go wrong?
Suffering draws us to Christ. “That we should not trust in ourselves but in God!” we have this sentence of death so that the manifestation of the life of Christ can be present in us. There can be no manifestation of Christ in us if there is no death experience. Something has to die in us, the flesh has to die, the pride and self life has to die for Christ to be seen in us.
When Jesus suffered, that time was the time when the father and son became as one, likewise suffering draws us close to God whereby we enter into that which is his. Only through entering into his death can we partake of his resurrection. If you want power with God and man you have to enter into uncommon death and life experience.
Paul said, I die daily that the life of Christ might be manifested in my mortal flesh. Dont quit on God because you’re going through something! You can’t enter into this Christ life without a great fight on every level. The death sentence must work in you only then can you have power and reign with Christ. Don’t blame God for the struggle embrace it. God is raising you from the dead and killing every carnal thing in you, and only through struggle and death can you live as Christ.
In the world a death sentence means imprisonment, however in Christ the death sentence means freedom. It’s a total release of life in every dimension so that you can be as Christ in this world and the next. If you suffer with him you shall reign like him. So with that in mind Get up in the middle of your trial and declare right now God’s freedom in a new dimension, tell that devil, God’s power is working in me! hallelujah. You are about to live.
Our death sentence is the assurance we have in Christ Jesus. It propels us to a place trust and covenant in Him. It is more of His ability in us than our works. Thank you brother Paul Thomas.
The Lord bless you Bishop, we speak as resurrected men. All Glory be to him. Have a miracle weekend and thanks for your visit today
Greetings Bishop, May God use you in a mighty way this resurrection season, may doors be opened and graves emptied in Jesus name….Thanks for your visit and friendship.
One of the hardest things to do, at least for me, is to do as Paul did and “die daily” to the old person I was so that Christ can live in and through me. Sometimes I feel it’s a minute-by-minute struggle. Thank you for the reminder to die once again to myself this morning!God Bless
The Lord bless you my sister. yes, In the struggle lies the prize!
Amen my brother and your prayer for me echo in your life. Keep Looking up!
Good Word and timely,