February 17, 2025
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12 years ago

Lovely thought of the Day Paul. Christ in us the hope of Glory, the hope of eternity in Him, the Hope of being Lights unto the world, the Truth in Us, “The Way” in us as we try to bring our lost brothers and sister back to Christ. He truly is the Way, the truth and the Life. In Him there is eternity. In Him we become eternal beings and with Him we become filled l with living waters as He breathes in us again and again and again with His words of Truth.God Bless you.Sherline 😀

12 years ago

Interesting thought. I’m still trying to wrap my little brain around this one. Since I’ve always had trouble explaining, and understanding the trinitarian nature of God, even though I accept it as one of God’s mysteries that I hope to understand some day.There are myriad qualities given to the Son, He’s known as the Word, the Light of the world, the Messiah, the Son of God, and so much more we’ve yet to discover. My mind finds comfort from the difficulty in understanding such a mystery on this side of heaven in 1 Corinthians 13:12, “For now we see through a glass darkly; but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as I am also known.” Someday, I’ll know; for now, there is faith.

Pastor Philip Roman
12 years ago

Without the light how would we see? Light makes the darkness go away. Light enhances our vision and perception. Good Word! Be Blessed!

12 years ago

Aman, not two three or even four, but One life eternal forever perfect! In ChristSantiago

12 years ago

Greetings sister many thanks for conencting today, glad you found the post interesting… yes I like to use the word “Godhead” which as you know is the bible world for Father Son and Spirit ( The word “trinity” as you know is not in the bible) The “Godhead” is so simply to understand when we take this approach…. God with us….God becoming flesh and so becoming a son (1 Timothy 3:16 )…the Godhead dwelling in Jesus (Colossians 2;9). This means he, Jesus is not in the Godhead but rather that the Godhead is in him. He was God in human flesh (John 1:1,14). To illustrate further. Just as I am both a father and Son so too Jesus is both Son and everlasting father (Isaiah 9:6).I like to say it like this, “Immanuel “God” with us!” not Immanuel son with us, although yes, he did become a Son.( If you have a kindle the ebooks I have give more in depth study onthis fabulous subject… see also http://www.paulbthomas.netHave a fantastic dayBro Paul

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