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… appeal.
It’s has style! it would make me look good!
So what am I getting at? In a world where you have a multitude of ministries competing for your comment and attention, all saying the same thing, preaching the same gospel, let’s get real, folks follow you not because you have something to say, we all do and most of us say the same things! Folks follow you because you have sex appeal you appeal to their flesh! you make them look good and feel good. Excuse me if that’s sounds carnal, but there again that’s the reason we buy Armani and not the cheap stuff.
Give your ministry some sex appeal
Just another ministry marketing tip for preachers, from me
gbam! This hits it on the head. Thanks for sharing this. God bless you,sir.
LOL I’m lovin’ this thought today! I don’t wanna be a cheap Christian. I’m pretty expensive like that Armani lol ;)Sherline 😀
I never thought about it like that. Interesting! We can’t be cheap Christians! The words we speak need to have attraction. Not physical only, but truly spiritual. Thank you Paul! Have a blessed day! Pastor Philip
First I want to say thank you for following my devotion Paul. Secondly I never looked at the Ministry as having sex appeal. My hope was that those who visit my site found it to be empowering so that they will become more hungry for God in their lives that they would desire to do more for GOD.
Thank you Desiray for your visit and input today..I look forward to visiting your blog. The Lord belss you!
Pastor Phil..Glad you commented on the post. Quote: “We can’t be cheap Christians”…so true! Why should all the devils bunch have the best of somethings, when God gave us the best of it all?…
….pretty expensive! wow and amen… I mean what can a man add to that but “wow” and “amen!”… Shirlene you’re a blessing.
Brother Yomi… You are God’s motivational guru….Thanks for being God’s blessing today!