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Can you pastor online…You should!
Here are 14 Characterists of God’s New breed of Cyberpastor.
1. The mega pastor offline is not pastor online, unless he cyber-connects intentionally!
2. Not all who are called to pastor offline can pastor online, cyber skills and cyber-vision is needed you see in another dimension and can cross boundaries of all sorts
3. Status as a pastor does not qualify one to pastor online, your investment into others does.
4. The call to pastor online is transgenerationally and cross culturally, you can be a nobody online and pastor, if you’ve heard from God and can work with passion with allpeoples from all tribes and tongues, transgenerationally.
5. The new pastors are multi faceted in their message, balanced in doctrine, yet boldly declare the apostles doctrine. This gives them authenticity in a world of globality
6. The New Pastors are not those who have importance but those who have influence
7. The new leaders are the followers who invest in everybody
8. Offline you had to have someones approval to pastor and hold their certificate in your hand. Today the walls are down the gate is open. However, get skill, get knowledge and your fruit will be seen. Attach yourself to those who believe in you and don’t care less about who gets the glory.
9. The best pastors attach themselves to your cause, the old pastors expect you to fit in with theirs.
10. If you can ask God to give you the web. Then you could be called to pastor
11. Cyber-pastors build people. Offline pastors build building there are more people than buildings! selah
12. Jesus build people before he built his church. If you want to be like Jesus built people first.
13. Cyber-pastors own cities everywhere.
14. God’s no walled church… You!
If you sense God calling you into this work, I want to connect to you as a cyberpastor… lets start a rEvoltion… Your gift needs a platform. Your generation needs You! Please connect below or sign up to my GO newsletter for preachers on . Thankyou!
Look out for my new book “Crowd Apostles” coming soon..
I think it is amazing how we now have come far through technology to spread the gospel of Hope to the nations. I really enjoyed your post today and for me, though I’m not a pastor in any sense of the word by calling, i still feel blessed to evangelize my beliefs through my blog, Twitter and Facebook page and pretty much any chance I get. i think with the world of the internet we can have a 5 fold ministry social gathering. A Cyber Church with a 5-fold ministry. It’s an amazing vision. However, I think the only word of caution is that even though we can start ministering through this new way, there needs to be some sort of accountability where falsehood isn’t preached. I guess that is where my only concern lies. God gives us many avenues to preach the Word and we need to also be humble stewards who also practice prudence and accountability so that those that follow are not led astray. The Word is the final say and a church with no walls is an exciting vision but there also needs to be some sort of an accountability factor for those who shepherd online as well as offline. There is always a need for balance with any ministry I find. God bless you for this post today Bro Paul.Sherline 😀
Reblogged this on <a href="“ rel=”nofollow”>Sherline's Watchu Thinkin' Blog and commented: Interesting thoughts on the Cyberchurch.
As I have said before I say again, Great Word and Work. Thank You for putting definition and distinction to what we do and who we are. You are a visionary and I support your vision. Please count me in. I didn’t have any luck signing up for yor newsletter but maybe you can connect with me at Thanks my brother. I would like to repost an abreviated version of this post on my FaceBook page with a link to your commentary. Keep Looking Up!
Praise God for the no-walled church! And thank God for you my brother.
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Well stated. As nightshade130 commented, there is a concern for the issue of accountability for falsehood, but that exists even in ‘offline’ churches. I especially appreciated points number 5 and 8. In some ways it can be difficult to pastor/shepherd as effectively online as offline, but sometimes a level of distance and anonymity can be of great benefit to those who are hurting. Thank you for sharing. 🙂
The Lord bless you, my sister thank you for your insight. I’m interested in knowing more on how online pastors manage groups or networks, which I believe is just as professional and neccesary today as online ministry. Please feel free to engage on this subject.The Lord bless youPaul.
Excellent article! Someone once called me a cyberpastor as an insult but I was honored! Facebook and twitter afford us an open invitation in to people’s lives once they accept our request and just like Paul’s letters of the New Testamant and the Proverbs of the Old we are like never before able to deposit nuggets of wisdom, inspiration, even admonishment worldwide in seconds! Praise God for this and bless the cyber ministries that are following the truth of His word.
True Pastor Gary… You are pastoring in two dimensions. Two diferent worlds and now you can reach everybody simulataneously and immediately. What a gift and opportunity from the Lord!
The Lord bless you my friend. Thankyou.