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And the Lord said to Abram get thee out of thy country…unto a land I will shew you And I will make of thee a great nation and I will bless thee, and make they name great; and thou shalt be a blessing. (Gen 12 1:2)
Like Abraham you have to find that place of completion. Its not a place you go at the end of life, like retirement, rather its the place where things are perpetually born in you and come forth from you. A birthing place and many of them. Its the place where you are fulfilled on every level, creative in many dimensions and ministry at many places. Its where you are free to be you. It’s where you are liberated spiritually, fit in socially, live purposefully and find your family. Completion! Its where whats been weak in you is no made great and that which was unborn comes on forth, all of the time!
Perpetual destiny!
Ask God to show you that place. You shall be a blessing!
I like the fact that you wrote it’s not the end like retirement. It’s things that are born in you. It’s sounds like a sermon I preached 3 weeks ago about birthing and taking your place. Question: Could it be that we are not birthing what God put in us and that is why so many have not reached their destiny? What is your thoughts?
“Its the place where you are fulfilled on every level, creative in many dimensions and ministry at many places. Its where you are free to be you. Its where you are liberated spiritually, fit in socially, live purposefully and find your family. Completion!”I love this! I’m in the dreaming place now, on the mountaintop. I have yet to truly go forth unto my God-given destiny. But I see bits and pieces.
Reblogged this on <a href="“ rel=”nofollow”>20/20: Learning to See Like Jesus and commented: You must learn to see as Jesus does. Learn to see your destiny!
The Lord bless you Pastor Phil, your imput is always valued. Yes I aggree with your point many folks look for destiny as a place up there somewhere in the distant. However I do believe its something we partake of every day, obviously destiny grows with each assignment too, so our destiny gets bigger as we move…..I think its the place of birthing…perpetual things.. when we can do this we live it daily.Thanks for your input and blessings to you.Paul
Thank you, youre so kind….