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Remember when men used to take their hats off to ladies, open the door for them to enter the car, walk ahead of them to open the house door and then let them enter first? Have we lost our MANners?
A GENTLEMAN is one who can say “good morning” and “thank you”
A GENTLEMAN can give a lady their seat on the train. More so if she’s pregnant
A GENTLEMAN can speak quietly and professionally on the mobile phone unlike many today who have to tell the world their sins shortcomings, fights and failures to everybody, out loud!
A GENTLEMAN does not talk on the phone while paying for something at the checkout.
A GENTLEMAN will switch off his phone while in conversation with another. It shows you are important and the conversation is valued
A GENTLEMAN doesn’t walk down the street chewing a 12″ fully loaded sub
A GENTLEMAN shake hands with those who he is introduced to and tells them how pleased he is to meet them
A GENTLEMAN is generous, with compliments. Giving things away don’t cost you anything!
Are folks too busy to show manners? if that was so then only those who can master life and take it by the horns can can show them. Manner’s are not for polite men they are for real men. It takes guts to have manners and those with no guts don’t have any!
What is a gentleman to you? Please share below. Thankyou!
AMEN and AMEN! I’m gonna have to share this one. 😀
This is an interesting list and shows how manners develop with technology. Here’s one a gentleman does not multi- task his relationships when he is with you he is not with his social network. Some days I wonder if being a gentleman is even attainable in our culture without being considered rude by someone else.
I think all males should own a book version of this post and meditate on it daily. Oh, you didn’t add “a gentleman is one who knows how to cook delicious meals for his lady anytime, any day” Cereal doesn’t count by the way. Lol 🙂
My Sister URA real blessing…folks like you make blogging a pleasure
wow…now thats a thought my brother… yes one I can chew on…
lol… prophesy it my sister…., and yes I like your cooking tip too, lol thats crazy
Thanks for this post. Every man would do well to live by these. Bless you,sir!
Oh, this is quite lovely, brother Paul–almost makes me swoon….God bless you!