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And be not CONFORMED to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acc
eptable, and perfect, will of God.(Romans 12:2 KJV)
Do not live according to the fashion of the times (Nor)
Stop living in accordance to the customs of this world (Wms)
Dont let the world squeeze you into its mold (Phi)
8 keys for Reformers?
1. Develop habits that buck ungodly trends (Gal 5:24,25).
2. Conforming is avoiding controversy, reforming is being the controversy (Mi 6:2)
3. Practice Christlikeness and live from the inside out. (Gal 2:20).
4. Stir up your gift, dont let the majority dampen your zeal (2Tim 1:6-8)
5. Give when its inconvenient, everything you have is on loan anyway. (Mk 8:36)
6. Beware of man-made rules, stand up for Jesus irrespective of consequences (Matt 10:33)
7. Live boldy before man and you’ll never have to bow before devils (Ac 5:29).
8. If a man can’t die for the name then his religion cannot be of it (Acts 4:17,18)

Do not live according to the fashion of the times (Nor)
Stop living in accordance to the customs of this world (Wms)
Dont let the world squeeze you into its mold (Phi)
8 keys for Reformers?
1. Develop habits that buck ungodly trends (Gal 5:24,25).
2. Conforming is avoiding controversy, reforming is being the controversy (Mi 6:2)
3. Practice Christlikeness and live from the inside out. (Gal 2:20).
4. Stir up your gift, dont let the majority dampen your zeal (2Tim 1:6-8)
5. Give when its inconvenient, everything you have is on loan anyway. (Mk 8:36)
6. Beware of man-made rules, stand up for Jesus irrespective of consequences (Matt 10:33)
7. Live boldy before man and you’ll never have to bow before devils (Ac 5:29).
8. If a man can’t die for the name then his religion cannot be of it (Acts 4:17,18)
….please add your key below..
I want to be a reformer, but it’s so hard sometimes. I know what it is to be conformed to this world. I discovered in 2008-now how strong the world is, its cultures and ways of doing things. Its so pervasive. And now I can’t stand how so many Christians I know online are playing. They’re not serious.
Amen. This reminds me that friendship with the world makes one an enemy of God. Great lesson and points.