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The Lord is my strength and my song and is become my salvation (Psalm 118;14)…. I shall not die but live (V17)
I’m wondering why so many are so mad at the church and leaving it! May I humbly suggest, it’s because they have not found the one thing that could have changed everything. It’s this, “God” has become our salvation which means, Jesus is God! O I know that may shake some people. Truth normally shakes people, only lies puts them to sleep! The truth is, Jesus! The truth is, Jehovah has become my Jesus. He who was deity took on humanity to save everybody. God is Jehovah….. God the creator becoming our Saviour…..God in a body…..The mysterious becoming common knowledge. The invisible God made visible. Immanuel “God” with us, God with hands, feet, a voice and a name. Now I can know him as he is.
Just knowing that is life. Jehovah has become my Jesus. Yes that’s life! I can live on that revelation like the prophet of old, for the next fourty days. This truth is life itself. No wonder David said, because of “this” I shall not die but live… This truth is life itself to a dying man. Only men who see the incarnate God can live the incarnate life. It takes a resurrected man to know the God-man and it takes that which is veiled in flesh to become the perfect sacrifice. If someone is dying, tell them, Jesus is God! He has become their salvation.
(Isaiah 44:15,21,22 Matt 21:23).
Great word today. I really enjoyed it. Thank you for being real! Too many times I hear and see Pastors that are too afraid to really speak the Word of God. You speak it with authority and great belief. It’s definetly appreciated.